What is the daily food ration for North Koreans? Rice support in North Korea


The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said that North Korea's grain production has dropped by 5 percent compared to the previous year. last year.

FAO published the report on North Korea in the World Information and Early Warning on October 10 (local time). According to the report, North Korea's grain output from last November to October this year was 5.84 million tonnes, down 5% from 5.75 million tonnes from 2016-17 .
The reason for the decrease in production is that FAO has less rainfall than the previous year and insufficient fertilizer in North Korean rice paddies such as North Pyongan Province. By item, rice was 6.4 million tonnes, down 6% from the previous year, and potato and soybean production by 33% and 20%, respectively.

 Looking down at the unification observatory of Odu Mountain, North Gyeongsang Province, North Korea. North Koreans are lining up and planting. [중앙포토]

Looking at the unification observation plateau at Odu Mountain in North Kangwha Province, North Koreans line up and plant. [중앙포토]

But experts say it's hard to say that the food situation in North Korea has deteriorated since cereal production has declined.

The price of rice on the North Korean market has stabilized around 5,000 won per kilogram in recent years. Gwang Tae-jin, director of the GS & J Institute, said, "Although the drought was about three times that of Kim Jong-un, the level of production remained at the same level as that of Kim Jong Il and market prices have stabilized. "He said.

Another North Korean economic expert who asked for anonymity said:" Considering the North Korean population, the need for food is about 5.6 million to 6 million. , 5 million tonnes, but the overall supply situation has improved. "In view of the fact that food production reached 2.8 million tonnes during the march, the situation has not improved. is much improved. "

In this regard, some argue that if the government decides to support rice in North Korea, it is difficult to take the food shortage as a reason. When Kim Dae-jung's government decided to support rice in North Korea, the government said, "North Korea needs 565 million tons of food."

 The rice that is shipped to North Korea after the government government of Kim Dae Jung decided to support North Korea. [중앙포토]

The rice that is shipped to North Korea after the Kim Dae Jung government was decided to support it. [중앙포토]

However, it is difficult to see that North Korea has completely surpbaded the food crisis. Assuming that FAO estimates production of 5.84 million tons this year at about 4 million tons, excluding military rice, etc., for about 25 million people (according to the National Statistical Office), about 438 grams of food will be distributed per day.

The recommended minimum amount per person per day for the United Nations is less than 600 grams. The United Nations says more than 10 million people, or 40 percent of North Korea's population, need humanitarian badistance because of food shortages. Oheakintana, the UN's special rapporteur on human rights in North Korea, held a press conference in Seoul on Oct. 10, stating that "nutritional status is severe in the provinces (except in North Korean cities) ".

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