"Who is the war for", the Israeli military massacre in Gaza … Two miners killed


  14 (local time), Israeli airstrikes in Gaza. (Photo credit: AP)
▲ Israeli air strikes in Gaza Sunday (14 February). Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the attacks targeted Palestinian militant group Hamas in the Gaza Strip on Monday (May 14th).
[서울=내외뉴스통신] This was the largest after the March 2009 earthquake (called the "50-day war") in July and August.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu warned that "the extent to which Hamas reacts to terrorism will be expanded if necessary" and warned that "if Hamas does not understand our message today, we will do it tomorrow" . [19659004

According to foreign media reports, like Israel, two Palestinian teenagers in a park were attacked on the day of the Israeli badault on the Palestinian side,

Israeli police announced that three people had been wounded in Israel near Gaza by rocket attacks on Hamas.

In the Gaza Strip, thousands of Palestinians were injured Israeli protesters took to the streets and the Israeli army used them to fight hard. In the process, two people, including a teenager, died.

The Israeli government claims that they are not ordinary residents, but members of Hamas.

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