Why atopic dermatitis?


[CCTV뉴스=김진영 기자] The cause of atopic dermatitis in the room is called "excessive heat" because of the lack of heat control capability.

In summer, it is a season when the rainy weather due to the rainy season and the heat, to the water, etc., allows people to be more attentive to the skin health. At that time, the skin of babies and young children is more sensitive, so special care is needed during the hot summer.

It is a phenomenon that sweating is clogged and sweat can not be gently discharged onto the skin and a small red blush and red blister appear.

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The face or neck of a person who is suffering from swelling of the face or neck, Chest and armpit, itching and tingling. If the immune system collapses and the function of the skin, ie the function of relaxation of perspiration, is disrupted, the probability of fever is high.

Park Seon-jeong, a pediatrician in Pusan, said, "If you go in the summer or the rainy season, you should give your atopic baby patients the opportunity to pay attention to impetigo. I will ask, "he explained.According to Park, the worsening is an acute purulent infection caused by germs, which is likely to occur in hot, humid summers.Children with atopic diseases are susceptible to bacterial infections due to scratches and inflammation caused by itching.

"As the weather started to heat up these days, a small blister appeared on the skin of one's skin. child with atopy, but I thought it was just one of the symptoms of atopy,

The Moon child is an infectious disease caused by bacterial infection during treatment atopy, which is usually easy to understand in the context of atopic symptoms.

Park said, "In order to distinguish between atopic dermatitis caused by worsening of atopic dermatitis, an accurate diagnosis of medical personnel must be made. Now, as the weather gets warmer, it is necessary to look closely at the condition of the child's skin and see the diagnosis of the symptom if it is found. "

In addition to fever and worsening, atopy is closely related to" heat "because" temperature "is a function of temperature.

Heat produced by these causes often accompany an increase in the amount of heat released by the skin,

Thus, in the summer, in order to prepare for atopic and febrile infections and impetigo in the summer , a broken immune system Herbal medicine can be an alternative to regain the system and increase the control of body temperature so that the skin can function.If you have scars due to atopy, you must be careful not to worsen the wound before it's warming up, and we hope you start the treatment with itching relief so you do not get scratched and be exposed to bacterial infections.


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