World Methodist Leaders Come to Korea to Discuss Peace


Delegates from the World Methodist Church gathered in Korea to report on their work in the world, share their political orientations and pray for peace on the Korean peninsula.

WMC) 2018 The delegation met on the 13th at Gwangrim Church (Rev. Kim Jung-seok) with the opening of "Vision, Diversity, Peace and Reconciliation of Paradise."

Welcome to 200 representatives and representatives of the World Methodist Church and pray in unison

Lee, Chul, Chairman of the Acting Board of Directors, conveyed his greetings [19659005] Prior to worship service, Lee Chul, acting chairman of the board of directors, said, "Our country, For more than 70 years, it has been divided between the South and the North and suffered from war . As you know, God has brought the warmth of peace and the meeting between the summit of North and South Korea and the summit of North America. "" I believe that God sent you here in a timely and important time,

Gillian Kingston, Vice President of WMC, said: "We have come together in different ethnic, religious and cultural contexts, but all the same descendants of Wesley

On this day, worship, above all, moved the harmony of praise that transcends race and culture and makes us one in God.

Carol's Song of Praise Wesley

Gwanglim Church Anthem All theme songs from the delegates' meeting, "The Cross of the Division, the Resurrection of Peace", in which the President of Park Jong Chun wrote the words,

President Park Jongchun and Vice President Gilian Recited the Seoul Theological Statement

In particular, President Park Jong-chun and Vice-President Gillian Kingston represented peace delegates adopted by the United States. General Assembly of the Pr esidium in 2016 And the "Declaration of Seoul Theology" for reconciliation, we believe in a unique God, creator of life, who enlighten and enrich us.We believe that Jesus Christ crucified the barriers of sin and Hate, And the power of war After praising the praises of Gwanglim church, President Park Jong-chun said, "As Lord of Peace, In the sermon entitled" From the Cross of the Cross for Peace and Resurrection ", the Spirit of God addresses people disappointed in a sad voice that the war is now over," said the four powerful neighbors. "We believe that we can open a new path when we depend on God and leave him to the God of love," he said. Park said, "2000 years ago, the king of the tribulation had to carry his baggage on the last stream, just as he was ready to wear a bitter cup and carry the cross of suffering. Finally, President Park told the story of your friend who brought the paralytic, "What sacred obstacles did you face your friends in a rough and violent way?" They asked, "By the grace of God, I ask people to pray for this nation so that they can forgive each other and we forgive Japan, China, Russia and America. "

Praise God with one heart, although the language is different."
Peace on the Korean Peninsula [19659000]

The opening worship was completed with a song that intercedes and Bless one another for all the nations, the weak, the poor and the poor

Shortly after the service, WMC gave the director Kim Dae – Orter of Jerusalem.

Kim Sun – do receives the. Order of the Order of Jerusalem WMC

WMC Ivan Abraham, Secretary General, says: "I think that the history of the Korean Methodist Church will not be mentioned without Kim Sun- And the Wesley Chapel of the United States and The United Methodist Church of The United Methodist Church in the dedication of Bishop Kim Seon-do, the world witness of the Church was expressing the same. meaning appreciation ", meaning the contribution to the World Methodist Church,

The meeting of the Methodological Council delegation The 2018 World Summit is held at the Gwangrim Church.

Kim hyeeun reporter [email protected]

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