Younger, a twisted habit, of middle age cause spinal stenosis?


  Professor Lim Dong-ju [사진=인제대 상계백병원]
Professor Lim Dong-ju [사진=인제대 상계백병원]

Kim, a 52-year-old foreigner, has had a backache since a very young age, with his back and legs twisted or sideways. However, a few days ago, even a short walk to the hospital with symptoms of stiff leg pain and tingling was diagnosed with spinal stenosis.

Spinal stenosis is a cause of conbad developmental stenosis and acquired degenerative disease that causes narrowing of the spinal cbad, root cbad, or intervertebral space in the middle of the vertebra, causing back pain or complex neurological symptoms.

The spinal cbad is a pbadageway through which the spinal nerve pbades.When the central part of the spinal cbad is deformed due to a degenerative change, the neural tube becomes narrower. It causes pain such as back pain, pelvic pain and stiffness in the legs. You may have a suspicion of spinal stenosis when your legs hurt or paralyzed, your legs hurt when you walk, or when you have a back when you are sick.

Spinal stenosis is a typical degenerative spinal disease that occurs primarily in patients over 50 years of age. When I wake up, my legs and knees and bad are so sick that I can not walk, and every time I eat painkillers, I can not stand the hospital. In women, postmenopausal female hormones are rapidly declining, bones and ligaments are weakened, degenerative changes are accelerated during this period, and long-term housework is easily exposed to spinal diseases.

In the early stages of spinal stenosis, conservative treatments such as drugs, injections, and physical therapy are available, and even in the early stages of spinal stenosis, surgical treatment may be considered if the spinal stenosis occurs. effect or response is minimal or absent. The surgical treatment enlarges the narrowed nerves to allow the nerves to be released again and is called decompression by releasing the pressure.

Although it may be enough to release the nerves like this, if the degenerative changes are too severe, the removal of bones and ligaments as well as vertebral joints can result in sufficient decompression. In this case, the spine can become unstable and stabilize, which is called "fusion" by screwing two or more vertebrae and screwing the bone into one.

"Surgical treatment of spinal stenosis can be widely divided into decompression surgery or decompression surgery and fusion together," said the center of Professor Sanggye Paik's spine, "I'm afraid that if the spine does not move, "There is not much inconvenience to the movement because it offsets to a certain extent, and the screw that you put in the operation does not need to & # 39; To be removed unless it causes a problem. "

And herniated disc herniation, sclerosis) is a symptom of nerve compression caused by cheekbones, or intervertebral discs. Radiation such as pain and traction legs usually occur on one side and occur in relatively young people.

However, spinal stenosis is a disease that develops slowly due to the thickening of bones or ligaments.If you n& Are not active, you will have no symptoms.If you walk a lot, your legs become stiff, and you have symptoms like paralysis, pain, In some cases, the symptoms do not appear at all if they are not active.

Professor Lim said, "In order to prevent spinal stenosis, it is best to keep your hip on the chair as long as possible and keep your back straight." If you have a habit of twisting your legs, it is good to change it and it is also helpful to stretch it in time. "

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