Latest news on COVID-19 in MN: “ A race between the variants and the vaccine ”


3 things to know

  • 24.7 percent of Minnesotans with at least one dose of vaccine; big jump expected soon in the supply of vaccines

  • Outbreaks in Carver County, Mankato region and eastern Iron Range cause concern

  • Active cases and hospitalizations on the rise

Update: 11:20 a.m.

State public health officials again implore people to remain vigilant against COVID-19, saying they are increasingly concerned about the return of the Minnesotans as the weather warms and the image of vaccination clears up.

Officials warn that the highly contagious British strain, now in Minnesota, has the potential to spread statewide. There are now over 300 confirmed cases of this variant.

Hot spots of new cases are bubbling up in the southwestern suburb of Twin Cities, in southern Minnesota around Mankato, and in northern Minnesota on the eastern end of the Iron Range.

This is Minnesota current COVID-19 statistics:

  • 6,777 deaths (6 new)

  • 504,273 positive cases; 97% reduction on isolation

  • 24.7 percent of Minnesotans with at least 1 dose of vaccine

  • 78.1% of Minnesotans aged 65 and over with at least 1 dose of vaccine

Although the state has made progress in the area of ​​vaccinations, especially for people aged 65 and over, it has not yet vaccinated enough people to establish herd immunity, and there is a risk of ‘a new push.

“We are in a race between the variants and the vaccine, and the decisions we all make in the coming weeks will have a lot to say about the outcome of this race,” Kris Ehresmann, director of infectious diseases at the state. . “We have to be careful a bit more.”

The vaccination rate improves, but remains stable

Saturday’s immunization data showed some continued promise after several days of poor data earlier in the week.

The Department of Health reported 61,260 more vaccinations, more than what had been reported the previous Saturday. The seven day trend is now back above 41,000 catches per day. The trend has been generally flat or declining recently – although vaccine stocks are expected to jump soon.

The number of cases and hospitalizations, however, are starting to slowly increase and new hot spots are bubbling up, reinforcing the belief that Minnesota is now in a race to vaccinate people fast enough to prevent another outbreak of COVID-19 across the country. ‘State.

Recently reported COVID-19 vaccine doses in Minnesota

More than 816,000 people – about 14.7% of the state’s population – have completed their vaccinations, while more than 1.37 million – 24.7% – have received at least one dose, including more than 78% of people aged 65 and over.

A line graph.

Minnesota plans to receive 350,000 doses the week of March 29, Governor Tim Walz said Friday. From April, authorities also expect the federal government to distribute 100,000 doses per week of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which only requires a single dose.

Graph showing when most Minnesotans will be vaccinated

Screenings by David Montgomery, MPR News data reporter.

Active cases in place; Carver Co., Iron Line Hot Spots

Minnesota’s COVID-19 numbers show relatively stable disease conditions from the late fall surge, but warning lights are flashing.

There has recently been a noticeable increase in the number of known and active cases – this is the number of people who have yet to self-isolate after a confirmed case of COVID-19. Saturday’s data shows 10,410 active cases, marking nine consecutive days with active counts above 8,000, a stretch not seen since late January. It is also the first time since the end of January that active cases have exceeded 10,000.

Active and Confirmed COVID-19 Cases in Minnesota

Although current counts are still low compared to late November and early December, the increase is notable given concerns about the increase in the UK strain of COVID-19. Ehresmann said his agency suspected the UK variant was driving the current recovery.

Hospitalizations are still low compared to the late fall surge, but those numbers are also on the rise: 316 people were hospitalized on Wednesday, 74 of whom need intensive care.

Graph of new hospitalizations with COVID-19 in ICU and non-ICU

Six newly reported deaths brought Minnesota’s collective toll to 6,777. Of those who died, about 63% were living in long-term care or assisted living facilities; most had underlying health problems.

New COVID-19 deaths reported every day in Minnesota

The state has recorded a total of 504,273 confirmed or probable cases in the pandemic so far, including 1,400 posted on Friday. About 97% of Minnesotans known to be infected with COVID-19 in the pandemic have recovered to the point where they no longer need to be isolated.

New COVID-19 cases daily in Minnesota

Public health officials continue to closely monitor an outbreak in the Carver County area linked to the British strain and youth sports.

Percentage of COVID-19 tests coming back positive

State recommends youth across the state get tested for COVID-19 every two weeks, with student-athletes tested weekly; Officials are also asking everyone in Carver County to get tested.

On Thursday, the Department of Health also warned of a “dramatic increase” in COVID-19 cases in eastern Minnesota’s Railroad, centered around the city of Aurora. He did not specify the number of cases, but officials will open a free test site in Aurora on Monday and Tuesday.

Ehresmann also mentioned a hot spot now in and around Mankato.

As of Friday, there were some 317 confirmed cases of the British variant statewide, she added. Twelve people have been hospitalized statewide with the strain; two died.

Cases distributed across age groups and regions

People in their 20s are still the age group with the most confirmed cases in the state – more than 94,000 since the start of the pandemic, including more than 49,000 among those aged 20 to 24.

New Minnesota COVID-19 cases by age, adjusted for population

The number of high school age youth confirmed with the disease has also increased, with nearly 40,000 total cases among those aged 15 to 19 since the start of the pandemic.

With children increasingly returning to school buildings and sports, Minnesota public health officials are urging Minnesota families with children to get tested every two weeks for COVID-19 until the end of the year. ‘school year.

Although young people are less likely to feel the worst effects of the disease and end up in hospital, experts fear that young people may unknowingly pass it on to older parents and members of other vulnerable populations.

People can have the coronavirus and spread COVID-19 when they don’t have symptoms.

Regionally, all parts of Minnesota are in much better shape than they were in late November and early December. Some regions are experiencing increases in cases.

New cases of COVID-19 by region of Minnesota

As officials monitor the recent spike in active cases, the overall trends have improved to the point where Walz last week announced a rollback of many of the state’s remaining restrictions on the pandemic. “Normalcy is on the horizon,” said the governor.

But it’s not quite there yet. On Wednesday, Walz said he, Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan and Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm were in quarantine due to possible exposure to COVID-19.

Workload among people of color

In Minnesota and across the country, COVID-19 has disproportionately hit communities of color in both cases and deaths. This has been especially true for Hispanic Minnesotans during much of the pandemic.

New cases of COVID-19 per capita and by race

Even though the number of new cases continues to follow well below their highs in late November, early December, data shows Latinos continue to be hit hard.

Distrust of the government, as well as deep-rooted health and economic disparities, have hampered efforts to step up testing among communities of color, officials say, especially among unauthorized immigrants who fear their information. personal data are not used to expel them.

Walz acknowledged that mistrust of communities of color has been a problem during the pandemic. Officials offered immunization data disaggregated by race and ethnicity. The state updates the data weekly.

Malcolm said the state is committed to doing more to expand access to vaccines for people of color, including getting more doses to community pharmacies, partnering with local groups and deploying clinics. mobile vaccination.

COVID-19 in Minnesota

The data in these charts is based on cumulative totals from the Minnesota Department of Health released at 11 a.m. daily. You can find more detailed statistics on COVID-19 at Department of Health website.

Latest developments

North Dakota to expand its vaccination pool to the general public this month

North Dakota health officials have said coronavirus vaccines will be available to the general public from March 29.

The state says parts of the state could enter the Phase 2 vaccination phase even earlier. Healthcare workers, residents and long-term care staff, and the elderly were the first to get vaccinated.

The state health department said on Friday that nearly 195,000 people in North Dakota had received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. As of Friday, 119 new cases of coronavirus were reported and one new death.

– Associated press

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