Let's take a closer look at the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G


So yes, we are essentially working with a slightly improved version of the phones that we have already started testing. Now we have another question: how effective is Samsung's 5G network?

Well, we are not quite sure. The problem with these demonstrations is that they must be taken with a grain of salt. All Samsung Galaxy S10 5G units were running the same MLB demo application, allowing you to view feeds from different positions in the field and even rotate your view for players in key positions. (You can, for example, hit a batter although he crushes a field.) I do not even like baseball, but if that represents the future of watching this sport, I'd gladly give it to him a chance. The MLB test application does not try to replicate the experience of being at a baseball game; he wants to give you perspectives that you would never have had while being there in real time.

On most of these demo phones, baseball video streams were stored locally. But one of them was plugged into a DeX docking station and connected to an external monitor. This was the phone that worked on Samsung's 5G network. However, there is no way to prove it definitively. Samsung declined when we were asked if we could perform a speed test or visit the company's 5G network located on the other side of the convention center.) It's a shame, although I understand the reason I would have probably passed a speed test without telling the whole story. Well. In the end, Samsung's demonstration focused more on the kind of unique experiences that the 5G can offer on this version of the S10 than on the evidence that 5G networks are running as fast as advertised. Consider me with cautious optimism.

It is quite clear that despite all the discussions that have taken place here, we will not have a clear idea of ​​what these new networks are able to achieve at MWC. It's good, we will soon have our chance. What's also clear is that this version of the Galaxy S10 is probably the most advanced of the first generation 5G phones we've seen so far at the show.


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