07.07 Lithuania officially became the 36th member of the OECD, Lithuanian aid


Lithuania completes the triennial process and officially becomes the 36th member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) – ratifications of accession to the OECD Convention are tabled Thursday morning to the French government

Symbolically – at the same time Prime Minister Saulius Square met with the Secretary General of the OECD, Angel Gurría, and thanked for his support for the accession of Lithuania to OECD as well as constructive cooperation with the OECD Secretariat throughout the accession process of Lithuania.

"We are happy, and at the same time we are proud of the progress and international recognition of our country – in record time, we have become members of the OECD, the most advanced member clubs", said the prime minister. reforms. In his words, it is the progress of a real country. The head of the OECD introduced the 2018 Lithuanian Economic Survey. Assessments and trends in OECD economic development are also appreciated by the government. The structural reforms initiated by the government in the areas of taxation, pensions, education, health, innovation and the reduction of the shadow are in line with most of the recommendations of the OECD. The benefits of the reforms will already be felt by the population in 2019 and, in the future, they will increase.

Skvernelis pointed out that the government's strategic goal – Lithuania should become the most competitive investment attraction, labor taxation and quality of life in the region, and will continue to seek to cooperate actively with the OECD. "As a member of the OECD, Lithuania will have the opportunity, with other advanced countries of the world, to find the most effective ways to solve problems and challenges, to be part of "best practices". We want to contribute to the strengthening of the OECD and actively participate in the work of the OECD, "said the Prime Minister.

Lithuania has completed its accession negotiations with the OECD in April this year.The accession of our country to the OECD will increase foreign direct investment, will contribute to a more favorable badessment of the government's credit rating. " will reduce borrowing costs and facilitate access to international financial markets.After joining the so-called club of prosperous economies, the influence of Lithuania in international politics will increase. OECD is not only promoting economic reforms, it is also shaping a global vision of how global challenges need to be addressed, so Lithuania's participation in a more influential global organization will strengthen the country's national security. , give an opportunity to express his opinion and to be heard on the issues of the international agenda that concern us.


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