"This afternoon, we received a poll from Porton Dawn that shows that these two people were poisoned by the same paralytic Novičiok," said Neil Basu, counterterrorism coordinator.
The 44-year-old woman was unconscious Saturday in a quiet and newly built neighborhood of Eimsberry, about 12 miles from Salisbury.
The BBC states that it is Charles Rowley and Dawn Sturgess, their condition is currently critical. [19659002ASolsburyle4marsundoubleespionrusseSergeySkripal67ansandfile33yearsJuliashavereachedbyMoscoupourhighlightedTheyhavebeentreatedforalongtimebeforebeingfinallyhospitalized
Great Britain claims to have been affected by Novičiok's anti-nerve drug developed in the Soviet Union.
Moscow denied British accusations that Russia was involved in the Scribble mbadacre. This contradiction provoked a diplomatic crisis; Western countries and Russia sent dozens of other diplomats
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