A person was killed when a plane crashed and 20 others injured


The aircraft fell about 5 km east of the airfield. The plane struck a small factory building;

On the images of the incident site, an aircraft was screened in several locations, paramedics helping to evacuate pbadengers and provide badistance, firefighters and fire extinguishers

" There were 19 pbadengers in the plane, "said Johan Pieters, spokesman for local rescue services to AFP, reported the AFP news agency

. do not know if it was a pilot or an engineer.We have about 20 patients, their wounds are varied, from severe to critical, two of them were wounded on the ground, "he said.

The ER24 medical service confirmed that a person died in a calamity

Disaster "Heavily shocked"

Netherlands Aviodrome theme park in the social network "

L & # 39; plane, which was expected in the park on July 23, "crashed on a pilot flight in South Africa," said Aviodrome.

They stated that they were "" Convair-340 "was a US-based pbadenger plane capable of flying 44 people. "We are not sure what is happening now," said Rosella Pbadier, Aviodrome Marketing Manager at AFG in The Hague. "We only know that the plane quickly ran into trouble after takeoff and crashed."

This plane was scheduled to land in the Netherlands later this week. It was planned that he had to fly through Egypt, Croatia and Austria.

The aircraft contains the inscription Martin's Air Charter. The spokesman for this company said that he had no information about the plane or the accident.

The Aviodrome website announces that 350,000 have been released for the planned acquisition of the Convair-340 to fly.

The Dutch news agency ANP reported that the plane was due to leave the PAR towards Thursday.

Aviodrome is one of the largest theme parks in the Netherlands. Visitors can explore various models of aircraft nearby, including the Boeing 747 and MiG-21 of the Soviet era

A representative of the Civil Aviation Administration, Kabel Ledwaba, was informed by his investigators of the disaster. An instruction waits for administration later

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