British Brexit Strategy: The Key Attention


This strategy was approved last week by Prime Minister Theresos May, but two prominent members resigned to protest against the UK's proposal to continue to comply with EU property rules [19659002].

Movement of Goods

Great Britain and the EU will continue to observe a "common set of rules" that will ensure the smooth flow of goods related to the production sector, as well as to products agricultural, food and fisheries.

In this area, it is proposed to eliminate tariffs and quotas and waive the indication of the country of origin. Britain continues to involve itself in the regulatory bodies of the pharmaceutical, chemical and aerospace industry

to protect many industries, including machinery, large and complex industrial networks. integrated procurement and processes that need to be completed within a given time frame. In addition, the aim is to avoid customs controls at the border between the province of Northern Ireland and Ireland.

Great Britain will agree on a "regular alignment" with future European rules, but hopes that London will be consulted on these issues. Parliament also reserves the right to reject the amendments, even if this would have consequences for access to the European single market.

The UK is confident that it can support this free trade area, but also develop an independent trade policy.

The country intends to use the technology to apply British customs duties to British goods and EU tariffs for goods destined for the Community.

Britain should withdraw from the EU's Common Agricultural Policy. com photo / City of London "rel =" content-image "src =" "style =" width: auto; height: auto; "/> The plan recognizes that financial services companies in the City of London will lose the right to use the pbadport mechanism to establish branches in the countries of the United States. EU in order to operate freely in the Community

On the other hand, the strategy states that

The so-called "equivalence clause" stipulates that companies will have to comply with the rules of the EU in order to maintain access to the Community markets [19659002] The plan proposes a hybrid scenario: the application of the principle of equivalence, but also the recognition of a "co-operation" Regulatory oversight and dialogue "between UK financial supervisors and their counterparts in the European Union

vy The European Court of Justice (ECJ) would no longer have jurisdiction in Great Britain

However, the courts of one Jurisdiction should take into account relevant precedents in the handling of cross-border cases to ensure "In cases where Britain joins the EU agencies under the ECJ, the country will have to recognize its jurisdiction.

In order to ensure a smooth application of the contract, the EU and Great Britain should establish a political and technical oversight body. and in case of dispute, an independent referee could be contacted


  AFP / Scanpix photo / Brexit

AFP / "Scanpix" / "Brexit"

Britain cancels the free movement of persons of the EU, and the British Parliament will decide new immigration plans, but would strengthen each other

London wants to allow companies to move workers between the two territories, ensure mobility of students and young people and continue to apply visa-free travel for tourists and short-term business trips.

Any agreement on Brexit It should also be expected that retirees from EU Member States will receive benefits and health benefits.

These arrangements would be "similar" to future plans for other UK trading partners

Standards and Competition

Both parties should agree to Adhere to strict regulatory standards in areas such as environmental protection and the labor market.


New agreement on internal security, including further sharing of data and information on air pbadengers

It is also desirable to conclude extradition agreements similar to those of the Mandate stop and cooperate closely with these law enforcement agencies.

While addressing the issues of external security, London wants to maintain a regular dialogue with European leaders, including discussions on sanctions

In addition, Britain wants to continue to participate in the management of the security system. Galileo satellite navigation. British proposal to continue the cooperation with the Frontex Agency for the protection of the external borders in the field of the fight against illegal immigration and to seek new agreements on how to deal with the applicants. asylum.

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