This attack is the most devastating of a series of attacks recently held during political events and worries the security of general elections this month
"The number of casualties has pbaded at 85 ", said the Minister of Health. Faiz Kakar, adding that more than 100 people were injured.
He once said that 70 people were killed.
According to senior provincial police officer Saeed Jamali, the dead man exploded in a compound where a political meeting was held. Another senior officer, Qaima Lashari, confirmed that the attack was a deadly attack.
Provincial Minister of the Interior, Agha Umar Bungalz, said that during the attack in the city of Mastung near Qvata province BAP) representing Sirai Raisani.
"Dear Siraya, Raisani died of her injuries when she was taken to Quetta," says the officer.
S.Raisani was the younger brother of the former Prime Minister Mohammad Aslam Raisani
A few hours earlier in the north-west of the country. Four people were killed in Afghanistan and 39 were wounded in a bomb attack hidden behind a car bomb attack by a Pakistani police officer.
The attack, conducted near Banu, targeted Akram, the candidate of Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal. Khana Durrani, but politics was alive, according to the police.
Meanwhile, a bomb exploded Tuesday at the Awami National Party (ANP) rally in Peshawar. The hospital authorities reported Friday that the number of victims claimed by the Pakistani Taliban has increased to 22 and that Haroon Bilour, the leader of the ANP regional unit, was among the dead.
The next day, thousands of people attended his funeral. ) {
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