The Kenyan court sentenced the death of a 24-year-old woman for the murder of a young man.
Human rights activists condemned this sentence as "inhuman".
Ruth Kamand wins a beauty contest in front of the court in 2015 25 times the knife hit her partner Farid Mohammed (Farid Mohammed). "I want young people to know that it's not a good idea to kill their boyfriend or girlfriend even if you feel frustrated or upset," said Jessie Lesit (Jesse Lesit, Supreme Court Judge , Thursday).
"It's cool to leave, then forgive," added the judge. She has been charged with "manipulating" justice, including the victim's mobile phone and non-retaliation for fierce aggression, followed by "the bloodshed all over the crime scene"
"I think J. Lazit
Amnesty International states that R. Kamand was convicted of "cruelty, inhumanity and obsolete".
"This verdict is a blow to Kenya's advanced practice of replacing the death penalty with imprisonment." "Director of the Kenya Department Irung Houghton (Irung Houton).
The family of the victim claims punishment is a crime
"We are happy that this day has come. Her grandparents, her sister, were in court today – Emma Wanjik (Ema Vandžiks), the murderer of Emmah Wanjik, told reporters. – He was just starting to work when his life was interrupted. "
R. The campaign lawyer, Joyner Okonjo (Joein Okonzhu), said that she would appeal.
In Kenya, the ban on executions is in principle valid; no execution has been carried out in the country since 1987.
The Kenyan Supreme Court ruled in December 2017 that the death penalty for murder and armed robbery is against the constitution.
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