In Germany, a man who strikes a bus hits people, is injured


Several people were injured by a knife during a bomb attack on a bus on Friday, police witnesses reported and incident

in a busload of people getting traveling to Travemünde, a popular seaside resort near Lübeck. Luebecker Nachrichten added that two people were seriously injured and 12 others were easily injured.

The driver stopped immediately.

Luebecker Nachrichten added that two people were seriously injured and 12 others were easily injured. The bus was able to escape, according to a report posted on the website of the website.

"The pbadengers jumped off the bus and cried. It was scary. The wounded were then taken. Luebecker Nachrichten quotes Lothar H., who lives next to the incident

Police spokesman Duerbo Duerbrook (Diurko Diurbrok) said that the attack had occurred in the district of Küknice in Lübeck and that the authorities had read the circumstances of the incident. As a police car was near the scene of the accident, the authorities quickly arrived and arrested the suspect.

According to police reports, the DPA announced that no one had been killed. According to Luebecker Nachrichten, an attacker is an Iranian aged about 35 but his name has not been published.

Germany has been living in high security alert for several years since Islamist extremists have suffered a number of catastrophic attacks. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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