Police identified the gunman in a Toronto striker


Police report that the shooting in the center of the city, called the Greek Quarter, was organized in the late evening by a Toronto resident, Faisal Hussain, from the late 29th century [19659002] A police officer was found dead after being shot by a police officer. "

Earlier on Monday, Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders said the authorities have not yet identified the possible reasons for this attack

. Hussein

The statement of the family of a murderer, published by CBC News on television, claims that his relatives condemn his "horrible acts" and argue that the husband has serious mental problems

"Our son had serious mental health problems, health problems, and struggled with psychosis and depression throughout his life, "says the family statement.

"The help of professionals has not produced results."

In a public video of Canadian media, a black-haired man with a black hat, moving quickly and throwing three shots Sidewalk at the restaurant, is seen in the video.

18-year-old girl and 10-year-old girl.Thirteen other people were injured, some of them seriously.The last of the victims was 10 years old, the oldest is 59.

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