Russia proposes to keep Iranian forces in Syria far from the Golan Heights


Moscow proposes to Iranian forces to remain within 100 kilometers of the Syrian border with Israel, Monday in Jerusalem, between Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov,

" We will not accept the Iranian military presence in Syria, either near a border or a 100-kilometer stretch, "said this senior official, stating that he would not publish his name.

"We said that there were also long-range weapons

Monday's meeting was held in Moscow, under the patronage of the Syrian government's bombing campaigns and accords of Russia's mediation, with the reunification of most of the two southern provinces under the control of the Golan Heights, thousands of people and to the south, while Israel has allowed more than 400 survivors and their families to leave Jordanian territory on Sunday, from whence these people would be sent to the West.

B. Netanyahu promised not to allow an undisputed Israeli opponent to establish Iran in Syria. 19659002] Tehran and Moscow support President Bashar al-Assad in Syrian conflict

Israel wants badurances that Iranian forces and their allies, like the Lebanese Hezbollah, would not send it even closer to the Golan Heights. [19659008] It is forbidden to copy and republish this publication without the written permission of UAB "BNS".

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