A brief interview with Merkel in a separate interview will try to relieve Germany of the Nord Stream 2 project


Earlier Wednesday, D. briefly criticized the Berlin agreements with Moscow on cooperation and declared that in the energy field, Germany was "Russian prisoner"

"I find this very sad when Germany concludes an agreement with Russia. "- D. Short said during a working breakfast with NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, before the start of the summit

: "Germany is a Russian captive because it receives a lot of energy from Russia." "We defend Germany, defend France and defend it." other countries, and many countries are negotiating a pipeline and pouring billions of dollars to Russia in their pockets. "- Everyone around the world is talking about it, they say we are paying billions of dollars to protect you, but you pay billions of dollars to Russia.I think this is unacceptable. "

D. Mentioned briefly that the former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (Gerhard Schröder) is one of the Nord Stream 2 project leaders and that "almost 70% Germany will be controlled by Russia through natural gas. "

The President pointed out that such dependence on Russia's Russian energy resources had a negative impact on the transatlantic alliance, adding that NATO allies needed to talk about it. in Berlin. Stoltenberg said on Wednesday that decisions on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline would not belong to the Alliance but to national governments, but added that NATO does not forget about energy security issues. .

"There are different approaches to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline." It is well known. "NATO's decision (on this issue) is not a decision of national governments", was he said before the announcement of the summit of the Alliance in Brussels

"But NATO pays special attention to energy security." are concerned, "he noted. 19659002] J. Stoltenberg added that the Alliance was trying to diversify sources of energy and invest in green energy to reduce the dependence on energy imports and make the More flexible use of energy.

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