A.Gurria pointed out the shortcomings of the Lithuanian economy, but noted: it is a new phase | Business


On Thursday, Lithuania officially becomes the 36th member of the prestigious club of the OECD countries and the leader of the OECD A.Gurria visiting Lithuania

"Let me formally transmit the Economic overview of Leituva at the same time as Lithuania.

He noted that Lithuania is one of the fastest growing countries of the OECD, which will increase in size. about 3 percent this year

"If you can put your achievements into a certain gearbox, we would like to patent it and transfer it to other countries that have not been so successful with the reform process, "stressed Lithuania's A.Gurria


"No matter the size, the fact is that Lithuania has budget surpluses.The song is full.How is it perceived – Lithuania has no deficit ?, It does not accumulate anymore Debt is no longer growing in GDP, and at the same time the debt is stable – which means the ratio is going down – this is a message, so if you want to borrow, you will leave and your debt will be lower And if the private sector wants to borrow – the country's risk will be lower, then it will have to pay less for loans, "said A.Gurria.

The OECD leader also hailed the reforms of the government, the economy is growing, unemployment is falling or prices are falling, but the fact that you can accept very important laws, when there are a lot of political problems in many countries, it takes a bit of hindsight and a look at the country's Lithuania, "said A. Gurria

In the meeting, Square hoped that the tax and pension reform adopted by the Seimas this year would boost Lithuania's rapid economic growth.

More attention has been given to the problems of aging and productivity. I took first on my shoulder for only 30 seconds, not too long. What are the housework? Let's start on productivity. Hello, I understand that we have members of the private sector. Productivity is less than 70% less than half that of OECD members. That's about 60%. He pointed out that the process of convergence has slowed down, that the income of the country's population remains two-thirds lower than the OECD average, a big difference that will have to be eliminated

<img alt = "Photo: Robert D. Dačkus / The President meets Angela Gurria, Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Photo: Robertočekus / The President meets the Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Angelī Gurria "rel =" content-image "src =" https://s1.15min.lt/static/cache/NTcweCwsNjkyMjA3LG9yaWdpbmFsLCxpZD0zODA3NjI4JmRhdGU9MjAxOCUyRjA0JTJGMDksNDQ2MjUwODAw/dsc_7089-5acb43facd321.jpg "style =" width : auto; height: auto; "/>

" Lithuania is aging, the whole section is devoted to this magazine The proportion of elderly people will increase by 25% – in twenty years you will have one worker for a dependent pensioner This pro aging process eats the budget. He eats the cost of health services – every year everything becomes more and more expensive. Therefore, you will constantly have to work against this trend, become more efficient and better spend money. And people will have to work longer and become more productive, "warned the head of the OECD

.He stressed that inequality remains extremely high – the richest 10% E. Gurria insisted the fact that child care centers should be provided in Lithuania in order to be able to work for every woman – this is only so that it will be possible to significantly increase the number of children.

The OECD believes that the business environment in Lithuania is good, but that foreign investment remains low, that state-owned enterprises predominate in many sectors and that management can be improved, according to the report of the OECD.

The rapid aging of the population and the slowdown in emigration lead to a 1% drop in the labor force. Emerging economies must be tackled in a complex way: to bridge the gap and ensure sustainable growth, it will be necessary to increase productivity, still well below the OECD average, and to slow down in recent years. According to labor productivity, Lithuania is about 27% behind. The inadequacy of skills and labor market needs remains high, while the low efficiency of the education system contributes to these gaps, as distinguished by the OECD

Protection of Vulnerable People remains insufficient in Lithuania

more redistributive, insufficient attention is given to the poor. Social insurance contributions represent a huge burden for the workforce and contribute to the underground economy.

Health care is not criticized: it focuses on hospital services and ambulatory and long-term care is inadequate

] The OECD has drawn four main conclusions:

  • High taxation of labor and low incomes for the supply of eternal labor and contribution to the underground economy
  • The combination of public spending promotes growth inclusive.
  • Low interest rates and rising lending stimulate activity and housing market prices

Lithuania also addresses five key recommendations to the OECD: debt is stabilize,

  • Reduce social security contributions, particularly for low-income workers, while ensuring that benefits and deficits are maintained.
  • Increase the taxation of real estate without including low-income households
  • Determine the purpose of debt and establish a reliable and predefined plan to achieve it
  • Actively apply macroprudential measures to increase the risk of churn.

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