At least 11 people were killed during an explosion at the Afghan airport


Dozens of government officials, political leaders and supporters gathered at the airport to meet this influential ethnic Uzbek leader, who fled the country more than a year ago.

A. R. Dostumas, who wore a western suit and wore sunglbades, drove from Turkey, where he lived since May 2017. He returned to protest in several provinces of northern Afghanistan

An explosion occurred in was heard from the airport when the car suspensions arrived.

Kabul police spokesman Hashmath Stanikzai announces that 11 people were killed and 14 others were wounded in the attack

Hashmath Stanikzai, spokesman for the Interior Ministry , said 11 people had been killed. Danish claims that the bomber was walking. He added that among the dead there was a child and members of the security services

Return as a star

AR Dostum returned from Turkey when he returned from Turkey as a star.

In recent weeks, thousands of AR employees have protested in the street to demand the return of the vice president. Democrats have blocked electoral and government offices, highways.

Expectations about the return of Arthur Dostuma – Protesters promise to continue their actions Sunday until the leader of the ethnic Uzbek minority orders them to stop

Liberation Nezamuddin Qaisar, the commander of the local police and representative of AR Dostuma in Faryab province, was released. "Mbadoud Khan" said: "We have been in the street for 20 days and we will not stop the demonstrations, our demands."

"Famous Killer"

Observers say that President Ashraf Ghani, a cosmopolitan ethnic, has invaded the return of Dostuma to stabilize the north of the country, where the first vice- and get support from Uzbekistan before the next presidential election.

A. R. Dostumas left Afghanistan in May 2017 to investigate the kidnapping and torture of a political rival. The Vice President himself believed in a trip to Turkey for medical and personal reasons.

A. Ghani described Dostuma as "a famous killer" in 2009, but in 2014 he chose him as vice president.

Presidential representative Haroon Chakhansuri said Saturday that A. R. Dostuma "took power" and returned to office.

A. R. Dostumas is one of the controversial Afghan political figures who sought to reintegrate into politics after the US invasion of Kabul in 2001.

Although in northern Afghanistan , AR Dostumas is considered a hero, he is also famous for his horrible acts. The badbadination of the United States in 2001 badumed that hundreds of Taliban prisoners were hanged in shipping containers.

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