Brexit negotiator M.Barnier: the protection of citizens' rights will no longer be negotiated


"By the legal text, the draft agreement – not by word – we agreed that no article relating to the protection of citizens will be renegotiated," said SNB during a meeting. visit to Vilnius, Mr Barnier. Companies should already be prepared for economic relations after the departure of the EU country

The chief negotiator of the Community hopes that the British will reach a timely agreement on all conditions of withdrawal.

We are now?

– Summarize this process and say where we are – different things. We are now at the moment of truth. Only four months before the October European Council, we must reach an agreement.

This is a long, hard-coded process that involves several steps. All of these steps relate to the decision of the United Kingdom to withdraw. So, my feelings can be summarized as we strongly regret the outcome of such a vote, but we respect it. We are now at a crucial moment – it will remain four months before the European Council, when we have to finish this process in order to stay tuned to the ratification of the Treaty. The main theme of my work is Brexit, a question of divorce or separation.

  Sigismund Gedwil / Photo of 15min / Michel Barnier

Sigismund Gedwil / Photo of 15min / Michel Barnier

In my opinion, more important and interesting, what future relationships will be – to build future relationships. However, the prerequisite is to complete the agreement. It is important to complete it because we are preparing a resignation agreement which is a prerequisite for all other things.

– How do you imagine the remaining part in the United Kingdom and in the European Union, such as the political and economic partnership of Lithuania with Brexit

] – The position of each EU member is exactly the same. At present, about 8% Lithuanian exports go to the UK, 60%. – to the rest of the EU. That is the average of all countries

This means that we need to create the best possible relationship with the UK in order to maintain this trade, but at the same time we have to pay attention to the protection of the single market. All of my negotiations are based on a strategy to establish the best possible links with the UK, in line with the UK's red lines and asking us to respect our principles and preserve the single market. Should Lithuanian companies already prepare for trade after Brexit and how to do it?

– My answer is yes. This is my main message, sent to all interested parties, after clarifying our negotiating position. We must be ready for all options, including the scenario that there will be no contract.

Articles can no longer be treated as usual. It can not be because the United Kingdom is withdrawing. Not only from the EU, but also from the single market and from the customs union. We must prepare for certain changes.

For example, we must organize new external borders everywhere. Lithuania, France, Greece and Ireland will be ready to carry out checks on products.

It is necessary to keep the time, because the Brexit will take place more than a year later – March 2019. Obviously, if we manage to reach an agreement, the current situation, the single market, all the provisions and the Customs Union will continue for 21 months. We will have another 21 months to prepare.

  Scanpix / Bricetech

"CameraPix" / Brexit "

If there is no agreement, we will have to prepare for the worst, even if we look forward to In this case, there will be no transition period

– To what extent is the scenario of retirement without a contract probable?

– I work for the contract.We are ready to seize every opportunity, including the worst, but we are working on the development of the contract, because I think it is a common interest.

The most important points for Lithuanian citizens residing in the United Kingdom are 120 000. people between 3.5 million For European citizens residing in the United Kingdom, we have guaranteed the rights of all these people by a preliminary agreement – their lives and all their rights

As for the draft agreement, it was published about 6 to 7 weeks ago. the auspices of the European Council and the European Parliament.

The most important points for Lithuanian citizens residing in the United Kingdom are 120 thousand. people between 3.5 million European citizens living in the United Kingdom have obtained the rights of all these people through a preliminary agreement – their lives and all their rights.

For their own family and for all their life expectancy. This article has already been aligned with the British. It is clear that legal certainty will not materialize until the treaty is ratified.

We have agreed with the British of one crucial point for your country: a financial solution. The British agree to pay all the commitments they made when they joined. This means that we have obtained funding for all current programs – including, for example, the funds needed for Ignalina (Closure of an Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant – SNB)

So we have to put ourselves agree on the remaining 20%. Governance and Issue of Ireland and Northern Ireland

– Imagine what can happen to the EU and the UK after Brexit's? there is no agreement?

– First and foremost, Brexit has no added value. Brexit discussions are lost on both sides during these breaks. Second, if there is no agreement, there will be no transitional period and, therefore, according to the concept of the World Trade Organization, the United Kingdom will be in a third country situation

. We are ready for that. This is not my choice

With regard to the EU, we will remain in the single market. Our main benefit is the ecosystem of rules, regulations, product co-certification and co-regulation of financial services that follows:

The remaining 440 million. people and 22 million business enterprises. We are protected by the single market

– At the end of last year it was admitted that there would be no real borders in Ireland. At the same time, the United Kingdom and the EU have agreed that the rights of citizens on both sides will be protected. Can this question still arise during the negotiations, if other issues, say, at the Irish border, will not be resolved?

– No. This item, including the rights of citizens of both parties, was agreed in December for $ 4.5 million. people, including British citizens living in Lithuania, France or Spain. There is a clear agreement on this point. By a legal text, the draft agreement – not by word – we agreed that no article relating to the protection of citizens will be renegotiated.

We have not yet agreed on Ireland. Ireland is the key because, to conclude a resignation agreement, we must include an active solution for Ireland

– What solution do you see?

– We have already proposed a solution in this agreement. This part is not yet green. We proposed a realistic solution – make an exception to Northern Ireland and incorporate it into our customs union. This means that this part of the UK will be a special situation – it would be our customs union territory and a certain part of our single market.

This is a unique proposition, given the unique situation in Ireland. We can not restore the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. However, at the same time, we must carry out property controls in order to protect citizens, consumers and businesses of the EU. This means that we have to carry out checks elsewhere

  AFP / Scanpix Photo / Siena between Ireland and Northern Ireland

AFP / Scanpix Photo / Siena between Ireland and l & # 39, Northern Ireland

We have proposed a solution and this solution does not endanger the integrity of the United Kingdom. This solution respects the British institutional framework

I think that it is possible to speak clearly and precisely of the control measures – customs inspections, security checks, veterinary and phytosanitary. I think it's possible with the British to hear about very precise and precise effective control measures. We must safeguard the single market. We are ready to make our proposal for improvement and repair, but in any case we will have to prepare an operational backup plan by October – and we will prepare it.

– Would you be able to convince the British government? We must respect each other. We must take into account what you want and what you do not want in the UK. There is no reason to ruin everything we have achieved with the UK simply because the UK has stepped in.

– Can you guarantee that the rights of EU citizens residing in the United Kingdom will be protected by Brexit?

– All these people, including 120 thousand. The rights of Lithuanian citizens arriving in the United Kingdom by December 2020 will be protected throughout their lives – the right of residence of their own members and their families, as well as social rights. However, I am not talking about the citizens of Lithuania, Germany or France who will come to the UK from 1 January 2021. Their position will be determined by the new British immigration policy. This policy is not yet known

– How does the EU intend to treat British citizens when the Brexit process is completely over and can we expect the same attitude on the part of the British herself? Our treaties already contain many provisions protecting the rights of third-country nationals. They will also apply to British citizens.

This item is no longer subject to negotiations on the exit agreement. It will be the subject of negotiations, discussions on future relations, the so-called future partnership with the United Kingdom. I want to emphasize that with respect to the movement of people, we will have to make a great effort to avoid any discrimination from the UK.

– What do you expect from the latest statement by British Prime Minister Theresos May, who will be his office this Friday? – We are following this debate and hope that in the government statement we will find provisions for future relations – realistic and practical solutions for future relations.

  AFP / Scanpix Photo / Teresa May

AFP / Scanpix Photo / Teresa May

– Will this Plan Break Through the Negotiations?

– We are waiting for realistic and practical solutions that take our principles into account. And the UK is well aware of our principles – just as we respect the red lines set by the UK.

We have key points that can not be negotiated: sustainability of the single market, indivisible quadruple freedoms, autonomy of decisions and protection of citizens' fundamental rights. ) {
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