British police found a vagina with Novičiok nerve spraying equipment


"The bottle was found on Thursday, July 11th, when Charlie Rowley's name was searched in Eimsberie," says the police report.

"Scientists have confirmed that the vial contains Novičiok". 19659002] Four months ago, in the town of Salisbury, near Eimsberie, the former Russian double agent Sergey Skripalis and his daughter Julia were poisoned. Britain was accused of blaming Moscow for this incident and claiming that it was not related to Russia as a result of an acute diplomatic crisis.

The identity of the material was determined by the Porton Dawn Defense Laboratory. Previously, she had investigated samples of Scottish bombings that had been executed and the first had announced that the former GRU colonel of the Russian military intelligence agency and his daughter had been affected by Novičiok

45 . Ch. Rowley and partner Dawn Sturgess on June 30th. She was severely murdered at this man 's house in Eimsberie during a few hours one after the other.

Last Sunday, D. Sturgess died, and Ch.Rowley finally recovered consciousness;

According to the police, further research will try to determine if the material touched by Ch. Rowley and D. Sturgess comes from the same party used before the Scribals.

"The search is conducted from where this bottle comes from and how it got into Charlie's house," police said.

The head of the United Kingdom's anti-terrorist police division, Neil Basu, said that "a significant and positive event."

"However, we can not guarantee that there is no more material left, so that the barracks (police) will remain long," he said

. extensive preemptive research to ensure the safety of the public and help the research team, "explains Basu

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