D.Grybauskaitė worried about Mr. Trump's meeting with Putin


"We are always worried, we know what Putin is, we know who our neighbor is and we know what to expect, so we take this meeting and the possible results very seriously" , said journalists Wednesday in Brussels at the NATO summit in Brussels

. Jong Uno is speaking.

"We saw another interesting controversial meeting with the leader of North Korea, where the results, I would say, were also very controversial," said Grybauskaitė.

  Photo by Scanpix / Dalia Grybauskaitė

Reuters / Scanpix / Dalia Grybauskaitė

After a meeting with North Korean leader D. Trumpun, announced unexpectedly in June that he would stop military exercises spouses with South Korea.

D. Trumpa complains that the exercise was expensive and adopted a description of North Korea as "provocative".

The US chief reported the suspension of the exercises after signing with Kim Jong Un, a document authorizing North Korea to Penultimate Korean Denuclearization.

Critics say the statement lacks content and specificity, some see it as an alert, that D.Trumpas may make unexpected concessions to Russia for US forces in eastern Europe. 19659010] (function () {
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