D. has changed little in the opinion: Russia could intervene in 2016. elections


US President Donald Crescent, who ran into criticism, briefly surprised his mistake on Tuesday. At a media meeting at the White House, he read a pre-prepared statement in which he partially denied statements made during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. .

D. In short, at a general press conference, he misinterpreted the idea – the key phrase of the intervention in 2016. The US presidential election did not reveal any proof that Russia could do that. In fact, he meant that he saw no evidence that Russia was not able to participate in it.

"I was saying in the cruel words of my words," he could not ", said Trump on Tuesday and read the statement

That would contradict the tone of a joint press conference of D. Short and Putin, during which the President of the United States did not say more critical thinking to Russia.But his determination to acknowledge his mistake shows that the White House seriously considered the critics since the meeting in Helsinki on Monday, to which even media-friendly media have already contributed

More importantly, and supports the US intelligence services.He described as "scandalous" the US FBI to the end of his speech Monday and openly denied the intelligence consensus that Russia was trying to influence the course of the US elections. "I accept the conclusion of our intelligence community that the Rus It is coming in 2016. elections, "said Trump on Tuesday. However, he immediately moved away from the pre-established text, adding that "other people" could do that.

The President of the United States has not answered the repeated question by reporters to know he would condemn Putin for the hostile actions of Russia. A brief meeting with Putin sparked a wave of harsh criticism. Even Newton Gingrich, one of his closest supporters, called the US president's speeches "the most serious mistake of his presidency". Almost every American media, including President Fox News' favorite television channel, did not spare the healthy epithets of Trump, who seemed unusually weak next to Putin.

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