D. Short remains the world's first tweeter with the highest number of followers


Since the beginning of the brief presidency, his supporters have more than doubled, according to the authors of the study.

The president's $ @realDonaldTrump account totals $ 52 million. followers is 10 million. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modis, who is part of the social network of this social network, has more than third place, according to a survey by Bourseon Cohn & Wolfe, Twin Diplomacy

. held by clicks "I like" and sharing messages), D. Short for other leaders is even more impressive.

In the past 12 months, the US leader and his followers have been contacted by 264.5 million. time. He did it five times more than the Indian Prime Minister, N. Modis, and even 12 times more often than Pope Francis

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