D. Trump has overruled Obama's timely recommendations on positive discrimination


Such changes in policy mean that the federal government is now encouraging schools and universities to accept neutral students or students.

The Supreme Court (AT) has spoken several times, but with fewer judges. and students must be aware of their race in order to integrate minorities into elite American educational institutions.

However, the controversial principle of positive administration is threatened by the Trumpe administration following a new policy and announces the resignation of Judge Anthony Kennedy. Reporter / Scanpix / Anthony Kennedy "rel =" content-image "src =" https://s1.15min.lt/static/cache/NTcweCw3Njh4NTcxLDczOTgxNixvcmlnaW5hbCwsaWQ9NDAwNTE3NCZkYXRlPTIwMTglMkYwNiUyRjI4LDIyNzg4MjMyNDY=/anthony-kennedy-5b346cf61fb27.jpg "style =" width: auto; height: auto; "/>

Reuters / Scanpix / Anthony Kennedy

" When it comes to admission, the order of federal agencies must be in place "

"However, at the time of previous administrations, agencies often tried to impose new rules on Americans without any public notification or comment period by simply sending a letter or distributing it to the public. reference document on the site. That's wrong and it's not a good example of leadership, "he said.

The administration of Republican President George W. Bush issued similar guidelines for the adoption that prompted a neutral stance in the race. Obama's predecessor, Obama, allowed primary and secondary schools and universities to accept students "to ensure diversity on a grbadroots basis. the racial factor "and badured that the educational institutions had" compelling reasons. "According to their representatives, they are" useless, obsolete, inconsistent with the laws in force and, " Other Considerations, Inappropriate. "

Revoked documents include guidelines for federal guarantees that take into account the person's national origin.

" This stage of the Attorney General's Sessions is a concrete sign and that the war against civil liberties is at the highest level of the state, "said Faiz Shakir, director of the National Policies Department of the American Civil Rights Union. This is another brief Sessionso and presidential attack on people of color. Our director of law enforcement destroys structures that prevent racial discrimination in education and housing and ensures that our criminal justice system acts honestly with minors, "he added. .

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