D. Trump promised to think about how to solve the problem of annexed Russian Crimea


"We have not revoked the sanctions – they are" inflated "and we have not revoked them.As far as Crimea, I had this (problem) of the previous (US administration I can not say much about it – we will consider it as much as any other disaster I inherited, "said Dr. Trump at a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May.

He did not specify how he intends to deal with the annexation of Crimea, which will be I mean, it is a process, although I knew it. I would not tell them that because we would be at a disadvantage, "replied the Trilogy to the question of how he intended to solve the problem of Crimea

D. Trumpa again criticized the actions of the US administration. The annexation of Crimea was completed in March, and stated that Crimea would not have been connected to Russia if Barack Obama and he were in the post of US President.

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