D. Trumpham praises US-British ties while criticizing Brexit plan


The first official visit of D.Trumpow to the United Kingdom fueled his ruthless criticism of Th.May's plans for the forthcoming withdrawal of the European Union. This criticism can trigger a rebellion against the Euro-scapegoat within the party of the British leader.

"Whatever you do, we will do it, just so we can trade together. It's all the more important, "Thrumpf Th.May said after their two interviews at the suburban suburban cemetery residence.In the streets of London, tens of thousands of people then organized a colorful protest against the American leader and carried a balloon representing the "Little Baby."

At a press conference in the sixteenth century, D. Trump repeatedly congratulated Th. May's leadership and has baderted that she was "an incredible woman." The president acknowledged that Brexit is in a "difficult position" for Britain.

A few days earlier, the British scorecard The Sun published an interview with D. Trump on Th. May plans to maintain close ties with the European Union after Brexit "likely to perish" the prospects for a free trade agreement with the United States. [19659002] Dr. Trumpa also stated that 39; former British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson The Brexit Plan and is considered a potential challenger of Th.May to be "the perfect prime minister."

On Friday, Trump refused the critic Th.May and left to hear that there were elements of "false news" in The Sun. However, the newspaper published an interview with an audio clip stating that the president was quoted accurately.

The interview of D. Trump angered British politicians. They blamed the president for "destroying" Th. Mai, although the first and a year and a half since the brief arrival of power in D., their relationship was not the best.

The words of the American leader also broadcast the protesters in London.

The people who shouted "No to Trump, not to KKK (Kukleksklan) USA

It seems that many Londoners who did not participate in this demonstration supported the position of the demonstrators.

"He apologizes for himself – it seems that power has come to power in a state of superpower." The British government officially announced the Brexit strategy on Thursday, which states that the community must be a member of the government. 39, European Union, maintain close trade relations.This position is annoying for those who speak for a clearer separation.

Wednesday, in an interview with The Sun, D. Trump said that he had given Th .. Perhaps some recommendations on how this issue should be addressed, but the Prime Minister ignored his proposals.The President added that "what is happening is very bad."

"The Agreement what she wants to do is very different from what she voted for "in the referendum on Brexit 2016, said D ..

" If they enter into such an agreement, we will have an agreement with the European Union and not with the United Kingdom, which will probably ruin the bilateral trade agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom ". a demonstration of many Brexit supporters to the conservative Th.May party. Because of these disagreements, Foreign Secretary, B. Johnson, and Brexit Secretary, David Davis, resigned this week due to a protest against the strategy of secession

. However, on Friday, Trump said he had concluded that the bilateral free trade agreement was "possible" after talks with Th.May officials and trade experts, and said that Brexit offered "incredible opportunities."

Th. May added: "We have agreed today that when the United Kingdom withdraws from the European Union, we will seek an ambitious free trade agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States. "

Earlier, they observed the emergence of the Special Forces of both countries at the Sanders Military Academy.

Dr. Trump thanked the Prime Minister for supporting the NATO summit in Brussels on Thursday and Thursday. During this event, the president reiterated his strong criticism of his allies in Europe that he was spending too little money on defense.

With Russia strictly

D. Trump will spend a weekend in his club in Scotland and will leave for Helsinki on Monday to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Th. Maybe they said that they were in agreement that to deal with the problems with Russia, it was necessary to act with "strength and unity". D.Trumpa, for his part, said that "we were much more rigorous than anything for Russia."

Britain blamed Putin's government for an incident in the southern city of Salisbury. agent and his daughter. Moscow denies his fault, but Th can put pressure on Truth to raise the issue in discussions with Putin.

During his trip to Britain, his wife Melania is accompanied by Trumpe. Her husband Philip and Th.May met veterans and school children in London on Friday

The first couple in the United States on Friday will attend tea with Queen Elizabeth II in Windsor Castle

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