Dummy stole of Chloe Ayling: escapes just by doing his penance lover | names


Chloe Ayling survived the biggest nightmare a year ago – a 20-year-old girl came to Milan for a photo shoot

Lenka Lukasz Herba stole a girlfriend with drugs, l 39; undressed and took her to a cottage in the Piedmont region, about 200 km northwest of Milan. Here, Chloe Ayling was detained for six days, and his captive threatened him or paid 300 thousand.

BBC reporter Victory Derbyshire told her how she escaped safe and sound

On the second day of the abduction, Chloe agreed to share a bed with her kidnapper , already having a plan.

The daughter remembers that Lukasz Herba seemed to be interested in her, and the first day she even asked if she could kiss her and have her relationship with her.

I had to do my best to make myself fall in love [19659007] "I thought it might be my chance to escape," Chloe Ayling said. – As soon as he saw his reaction to my words, in the future, it could have happened (he was very happy, eagerly awaited and just talking about it), I realized that I was not happy. I still needed to do it. "

Finally, after a few days of understanding, that he did not have the necessary ransom, the warmth of his victim's feelings made her feel for her and brought her back in Milan, the British Consulate

  Photo by Instagram / Chloe Ayling

Photo by Instagram / Chloe Ayling [19659011Onaensuiteditauxtémoinsdelesvoirbadisaucaféquipleuraientetriaientenattendantl'ouvertureduconsulatEtmêmesicelasembleétrangeChloeAylingalaréponseàcettequestion"Maispourquoidevrais-tuavoirfroidavecquelqu'unquicommenceàressentirdessentimentschaleureuxpourtoiettuesvraimententraind'espérerqueçatelâcheraJedevaisfairetoutcequejepouvaispourlefairetomberamoureux"

Soon? long after Chloe Ayling arrives at the consulate of his country, his captive is detained.

After the trauma – surrounding skepticism

Faced with a skeptical view of the surrounding people – many did not believe his story. When she came back, she interviewed television reporters at her door, but was criticized for "looking happy." Chloe Ayling

Chloe Ayling is surprised by this human reaction – she was sincerely happy to be back in life. because he was afraid that it never happened. She was just out of the plane in shorts and shirt.

"People hope I should cry all the time and get away from the world and avoid the cameras." I could choose that, but how could that help me recover? In talking about it, being among the people was the most appropriate way for me to put it back and start living further ", – the model defends.

  Photo Vida Press / Chloe Ayling

Photo by Vida Press / Chloe Ayling

that some people did not believe it even when Lukasz Herba was arrested for what she did.

The hijacker was sent to Long Pieces

Last month, as a result of a year-old defamation, Chloe Ayling's kidnapper pronounced a verdict – the court sentenced him to 17 years of imprisonment.

It is interesting that Lukasz Herb defended in such a way that he wanted to create a scandal meant to increase Chloe's reputation and help her modeling career.

  Scanpix / AP Photo / Lucas Pawel Herba

Scanpix / Photo AP / Lucas Pawel Herba

But for Chloe himself, c it seems incredible. "I still do not fully understand her motives," she says. – It can not be just money, because why you had to choose exactly me, 2 years ago make friends with me fezbuke?

When the case was over, Chloe Ayling could finally talk and tell her story in public with all the details – she did it in the book "Kidnapped: Do not Tell My Kidnapping". story "(" Kidnapped: The unpublished story of my kidnapping "). It only came into the trade when Lukasz Herba heard the final verdict

  Book Cover of Chloe Ayling

Cover from Chloe Ayling's book "Kidnapped: The Untold Story of My Abduction" [19659031] (function () {
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