Erdogan called Israel "the most fascist, most racist country" in the world


"This measure has been called into question without the slightest possibility that Israel is the most oppressive, fascist and racist country in the world," Erdogan said in a speech to members of his ruling party [19659002]. RT Erdogan argued that "there is no difference between Hitler's madness for the Aryan race and Israeli understanding that these ancient lands are reserved exclusively for Jews."

"The spirit of Hitler brought the world to a major disaster." He

During the Second World War, a Nazi holocaust killed about 6 million people. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has seen Turkey become a "dark dictatorship".

"Erdogan kills Syria and the Kurds and tens of thousands of its own citizens," Netanyahu explains. "Under the reign of Erdogan, Turkey becomes a dark dictatorship, while Israel ensures an equal court for all its citizens, before and after the adoption of this law," added Prime Minister


The new law does not focus on the equality and democratic nature of Israel, so it can be concluded that the Jewishness of the country is high in the country, according to badysts [19659002] Meanwhile, the status of the Arabic language was to abolish the "Extraordinary."

This problem has increased the tension between Israel and Turkey, one of the few important Muslim Muslim partners in Israel.

Ankara sent an Israeli ambbadador in May in connection with the death of protesters on the Gaza Strip border.

T. Erdogan considers himself a Palestinian defender and recently held two summits of Muslim nations to condemn the US's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

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