Estonian airspace was violated by two Russian planes, including Putin


In addition to the permission of Estonia, its airspace in the Vaindl Island region included Russian A319 and Il-96 aircraft.

Aircraft in Estonian airspace were shorter than one minute, reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

The aircraft transponders were on, but the flight plans were not submitted, the aircraft did not launch the radio connection with the Estonian aviation services.

The two mentioned aircraft belong to the Russian State Park. "I do not know what was in the plane, but I can say that a plane of this type was piloted by Russian leaders," said Arvo Joesalu, spokesman of the General Staff. 19659006] According to Postimees, in the photographs, it appears that Putin went to Helsinki on a flight Il-96 bearing RA-96022 registration number. According to Ullaras Saaremaa, a representative of the Estonian Air Navigation Service "Lennuliiklusteeninduse AS" (EANS), told the SNB news agency Monday that according to his data, V. Putin did not have any. Estonian airspace. 19659008] "As far as I know, the air transport related to the visit of Vladimir Putin took place on the roads leading directly from the airspace of the Russian Federation to the airspace of the Republic of Finland".

This year, Russian planes violated six times the airspace of Estonia, indicated by the staff of the armed forces

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