Fascinated by the historical riddles of Lithuania


Only one copy survived

Today, the city of Quedlinburg, famous for the oldest city in Germany, for us, for Lithuanians, is important because it is precisely in this city that stands the church of St. Servace in 1009. The first name in the badysis of history was Lithuania.

Quedlinburgan badysts are the Latin chronicles of the women's monastery dating from 993 or 1000 years ago to 1030. To date, the only teacher of the Prince Meisen School, Georg Fabricius (1516-1571), survived with other Saxon archivists in the 16th century. In the middle of the year, a copy of the chronicle was kept at the State Dresden Library and the University of Saxony

We remind you that the construction of the Quedlinburg Monastery in the 10th century before the great millennium. financed by the son of Henry I, Matilda, the origin of the royal dynasty of the Otto dynasty. Their son, Otto I, was crowned emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 962. It is precisely in the control of the representatives of the Otunian family that the first time the name of a non-native person is found in Iran. Who and why did he write?

Litua registered a woman

According to the deputy historian of the National Museum of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Dr. Jolanta Karpaviciene, at the time the monastery of the church St. .. was one of the most important in Saxony.

"The activity of the monastery and knowledge of the history of the monastery were controlled by Adelheide I Abbey, who was the daughter of Otto II, the Emperor of Holy Roman Empire, and the sister of Emperor Otto III, famous for his life Dr. J. Karpavičienė said that the news of the death of the missionary Saint Bruno Bonifaco on the Lithuanian and Russian border reached the monastery at through the property of the Emperor who, in this historical context, could henceforth call a reliable portal of information at the level of the State.


According to the interviewee, it is difficult to say which noble nun recorded the message mentioned in the chronicles, since all the inhabitants of the monastery were literate.

We recall the historical chronicles of Quedlinburg, more precisely the chronicles of the events of the 16th century a copy that you can see that is to say the first Latin name written from Lithuania. "Sanctus Bruno who cognominatur Bonifacius archepiscopus and monachus XI sue conuersionis anno in confini Rusciæ and Lituae in pagani capite plexus cum am XVIII, VII Id Martij petijt coelos." Saint Bruno, also known as Bonifacio, archbishop and monk, was 11th the year of his conversion to the border between the Greeks and 7 days before the march (March 9) with eighteen men who went to paradise. Saint Bronton

Separated from others

St. Bronton Bonifacas, according to historical sources, was born into a noble family of the Saxon castle of Querfut around 974, had at least three brothers. A highly educated missionary, studying in a Magdeburg church school, divorced from peer discipline and devotion, married his body with fasting, cold and even flogging, and was ordained a priest in 995 and appointed to a cathedral of Magdeburg as a Canaanite

. The nations were united under the banner of the Holy Roman Empire, the Emperor Otto III had called B Runon to the chapel of the house of Rome, but after three years he left this office – became a Benedictine monk at Rome. There, he worked with his other men in collaboration with other monks: he knitted nets, made spoons, spun, but in 1001. For the first time, he joined the missionaries who came to pagan European countries . It is true that he did not want to leave, but Bruno described the lives of five dead missionaries and Saint Adalbert. Although Bruno followed the latter, a united European defender, however, at that time secular and ecclesiastical authorities began to move away and ethnic nations were created. Nevertheless, Bruno Bonifacas continued his mission – the baptized pagan nations and, for this purpose, in 1009. From Poles, he left for Prussia.

Missionary Death

According to Dr. L. Palmach's book "A Mindful Millennium Riddle", Bruno Bonifacas took 18 missions for this mission. During a trip to the Russian-Lithuanian border, the missionary suffered a fire fire from a tribe king, Nautemer, who, as liturgical vestments, seemed to have left the flame intact during the solemn Mbad at Mbad. Then Nautimer, with 300 pagans, rushed to the feet of Brunon Bonifac, asking them to be baptized. They were baptized in a big lake. Nautimer, after the incident, burned his idols in the fire and decided to leave his possessions to his son and accompany Bruno Bonifac. It is written that Nautimer drove one of his brothers who did not want to believe. However, according to Dr. L.Palmaitis is hardly compatible with the acceptance of Christianity. The missionary Bruno Bonifacas, having learned that Nautimer's brother, Sebeda (Zebeden), located near the Alstro River, has shot with his satellites in this region. When a missionary in 1009 March 9 The blessing of the blessing of the Blessed Virgin Mary was provoked by Sebeda with his soldiers, who were angry with his brother. The Seven Seven warrior climbed to Brunon, cut off his hand and dragged the missionaries away from the altar, but broke it and stood in the air to bless the offerings. When the warrior who had collapsed in the hands of the missionary saw this, he fell at the feet of Brunon, but another soldier cut off the head of the missionary at that time. A similar fate was met by his other companions

Italians perpetuated in Pažaisys

Sebja soldiers threw a broken missionary head into the Alstro River, which later lit up in this place at night. The fishermen found their head and added it to the body where they had been slaughtered. It was bought by Polish leader Boleslovas Narsusis, who collaborated with Otto III in the spirit of European unity. Some sources say that he paid for St. Brunon's body as much as it weighed.

As this extremely important event for the mention of the name of Lithuania and its place was imagined by the Italian artist Michelarcangelo Palloni, it is possible to see the church of Pažaislis Monastery. In the ceiling and prayer hallway leading to the sacristy.

MAPalloni, Pacas invited to Lithuania, and painted in fountains in Pažaislis from 1675 to 1668. Among his 140 frescoes of different sizes and stories, the lives of saints close to monarchs of clusters are also painted. Among them – and St. Bruno. According to Julita, the sister of the monastery Kamaldulys Pažaislis, frescoes dedicated to St. Bronnus tell us about the life of the blessing of Pope John XVIII at the baptism of Nautimer, the death of St. Bronnon and the advent of heaven

. the name appeared in the panorama of the world ", – it had recourse to the historical significance of the episodes of St. Bronnos represented in the frescoes of Sister Julita

Notes of the speaker of Baltist

In his book "The Minded Millennium Riddle", the linguist was named in the Russian column (Russia), and opponents are convinced that the word Ruscia appears in the text of the column in question instead of the annotated text in question, based on written sources, historical works of different ages The research results, as a scientist says the direction of the undisputed track šv.Brunono North.In the context of the aforementioned chronicles, the scientist identified the region in the current region of Königsberg to the north, including the current islands of Rusne (here, besides, the word but not the peoples, the Russian origin). L.Palma's Search Itis show that Brunon was killed by non-Lithuanians and related Prussian scales in the unpardonable territory of Lithuania, east of the border with the Melngaz Treaty.

L.Palmaitis also restored the names of Baltic actors of the most important historical event in Lithuania. So – Sebeda (a cross riveting on the first e) rather than Zebeda, because the letter Z in the article described here marked the letter S. In addition, we must write Nautimer and weigh the middle i of that word [19659003] Slavic Lithuanian name Litua (not in the Lettuce) is probably due to the fact that Brunon Bonifacs himself brought this name even before his last mission, the whole month, about 1007 years ago, in Rus Kievan, with Duke Vladimir .

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