If Dingping arrived in South Africa during a state visit, attending the BRICS meeting


Chinese President Si Dzinping arrived in Pretoria, South Africa, during a state visit. Subsequently, he will attend the annual meeting of BRICS countries, to be held in Johannesburg from Wednesday to Friday

Si and Peng Lijuan First Lady arrived Monday night at Watercroft Air Base, warmly welcomed by a group of senior officials led by the country's international relations. Minister of Cooperation, Lindvey Sisulu, reported to Xinhua

This is the third state visit to South Africa. He said: "During the visit, I hope to exchange views with President Cairo Ramaphosa on bilateral relations and the future of Sino-South African cooperation in Beijing, as well as on international and regional issues of common interest. "

The forum will take place in 2018.

Currently, If visit four African countries with visits. After meeting with South African President Ramaphosa Si will leave for Johannesburg to attend the 10th BRICS Summit (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). The topic of this year's meeting: "The BRICS in Africa: Cooperation on Integrative Growth and Prosperity in the Fourth Industrial Revolution"

Analysts expect the leaders of the top five economically strong countries CCTV said in a pragmatic industry and business cooperation.

"The European Union and Japan have signed a broad-based free trade agreement.If Europe and the United States also reach this type of agreement, the BRICS countries "At this summit, the bloc must present its concrete results of cooperation," said Chen Fenging, a former research organization, the Institute of Contemporary International Relations, China.

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