In Eimsbere, a poisoned couple contacted Novičiok's tainted object, police say


"After further studies of patient samples, we now know that they have been exposed to nerve-sparing materials after contact with the contaminated object," reports the report. of the police


Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess at Salisbury Hospital were brought into critical condition. Later, police reported that the couple had poisoned Novičiok's narcotic anti-paralysis weapon created in the Soviet Union.

Eimsbere is about 12 km from Salisbury, where Russian policeman Sergey Skripal and his daughter were found on the bench. A mall.

D.Peskov told reporters on Thursday that "Russia categorically denies and continues to categorically deny it".

D.Peskov told reporters on Thursday that "Russia categorically denied and continues to categorically deny."

D.Peskov notes that Britain rejects Russia's proposal for a joint study and adds that "the British, without any unfounded allegation, have provided no evidence of Russia's participation". [19659008] (function () {
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