It is proposed to impose on CEC members the obligation to have the right to work with classified information


The bosses said that they had prepared warnings from the security services that Russia might try to influence the elections next year in Lithuania. "It is likely that Russia will try to further influence the political and social processes in Lithuania in 2019 in the run-up to the elections of the President of the Republic, the European Parliament and the Lithuanian Municipal Councils, and 39 will strive to bring the candidates to the polls. " quotes the report from the Department of State Security this year.

According to parliamentarians, it is important that these members of the Central Election Commission have access to the Department of State Security and Secret Service provided by other government agencies

. State Security Department threat badessment and military intelligence published in the spring indicates that Russian intelligence services were particularly interested in the election of the President of 2019.

Russia has been accused of interference in the United States and French presidential elections in recent years

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