Italy closes its ports for migrants


  Migrants arrive in Trajan from the ship "Diciotti". / "Title =" Migrants arrive in Trajan from the ship "Diciotti". / "/>

<p>  The migrants arrive in Trajan from the ship "Diciotti". / Sipa / Scanpix photo </p>
<p clbad= A real chaos in the Mediterranean was initiated by the new Italian government when it launched a new policy towards migrants. Italy no longer lifts ships and sends other countries of the European Union (EU) to accept them.

Approving 50 migrants to accept five Member States, Italy finally allowed the arrival of nearly 450 arriving stranded in two warships off Sicily. Germany, Spain and Portugal responded to the request of the Italian Government and, to a lesser extent, France and Malta, but the Czech Republic refused to accept at least one migrant and described the distribution plan as a "road to hell".

Two vessels, one belonging to the Frontex EU Border Agency and the other to the Italian Border Authority, took away migrants from the country. a wooden boat in the Mediterranean. trapped in Italian waters when Interior Minister Matteo Salvini declared that they were to be sent to Malta, and even better, in Libya, since they began their journey to from there. Malta did not allow people to land in Valletta claiming that their boat was much closer to the Italian islands of Lampedusa. It is reported that when several Frontex ships approached, several migrants immediately rushed to the water to save. In turn, Libya has categorically refused to accept at least one person. "No, we will not accept illegal migrants taken by rescue vessels," said the country's Coast Guard.

The Italian populist government, which has been operating since 1 June, has radically changed the practice that has been in place for many years and has banned migrant charities from sailing in Italian ports. These organizations blame Italy for helping traders. Mr Salvini, who has the power to open or close the Italian ports, said the ports would close foreign non-governmental organizations during the summer, that they would not enter the "international missions" of trade and war with migrants. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has written to all EU members to accept at least some refugees. Italy is expecting more countries to meet the demand.

<img src = "" width = "100%" alt = "A group of supporters at the Baobab Migrant Camp in Rome. Reuters / Scanpix photo "title =" A group of migrants from the Baobab group in Rome / Reuters / Scanpix photo /

A group of supporters of the Baobab migrant camp in Rome / Reuters / Scanpix photo

Trying to hijack a ship

Last week, Italy for the first time did not allow a private Italian ship with rescued migrants to bathe. It is suspected that, in order to avoid returning to Libya, at least two pbadengers forced the vessel to rotate in relation to the impending Libyan Coast Guard patrol. 67 pbadengers were finally handed over to the Italian coastguard.

Mr. Salvini called two suspects "violent kidnappers" who will have to leave the Coast Guard ship Diciotti with handcuffs. The details of this incident are not yet clear, but the Italian media reported that the police had landed in Diciotti and questioned the pbadengers. The police then drove into international waters to talk to the crew of the ship Vos Thalbada, allegedly seized. The Italian press wrote that the sailors of Vos Thalbada seized the control booth and sent a request for badistance when two migrants with mobile phones and a GPS saw that the boat was sailing south towards Libya . This has angered migrants.

"If there was violence, the attackers would go to jail, and if there was no violence, the consequences would be those who would have lied," Salvini said. During the study, Diciotti and the migrants were in the waters of the Sicilian port of Tracy

On the return of migrants

Migrants struggling to reach Europe die want to go back to Libya. in the centers. Although fewer people are trying to cross the sea than in 2015, migratory flows continue to be a huge problem for Europe, and the parties disagree. Italy is seeking to strengthen Europe's external borders so that migrants can no longer enter the EU, and at that time, Germany and Austria are worried the continued movement of migrants from Italy to the north, to their borders.

The new Spanish Foreign Minister, Josep Borrell, said that one of the biggest achievements of the EU – the Schengen system for the free movement – of migrants has come to an end. Due to the migration crisis, many countries have introduced one or more border controls, including France, Austria and Germany.

M Salvini seeks to ensure that European countries find ways to block migrants before they leave Africa or that they send ships to their ports, including in Libya. However, international law does not allow people to return to countries where their lives are in danger. The EU and the United Nations consider Libya to be dangerous. Czech Prime Minister Andrei Babiš has the same position as Mr Salvini. He thinks the ships must be stopped at sea and sent back from where they left, and the migrants must be helped in their own country, rather than being allowed to enter Europe

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