An aging Japanese emperor Akihito (Akihita), who was treated for lack of blood circulation in the brain for three days, returned to the office Thursday as spokesman for AFP
The palace spokesman said that Akihito was right.
For nearly three decades, the country has ruled the country for more than a decade.
In 2016, he was shocked by his desire to quit his age and health problems.
On Monday, a government spokesman said that he had suffered a heart attack, that he had undergone surgery for prostate cancer. The emperor is being treated for not a blind blood flow in the brain, and on Tuesday the house said that she was still feeling dizzy and stomachache.
Akihito, who will leave on April 30, 2019, must become the first emancipated emperor for two centuries.
The Imperial Family of Japan is the oldest in the world. The issue of the emperor's status in Japan is oppressive because of the huge war waged in the Pacific region by the late Emperor Hirohito, father of Akihito in 1989.
Akihito takes the role from a more modern state symbol imposed on the imperial family at the end of World War II. The ancient emperors, including Hirohito, were considered semi-divine individuals.
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