Jesus is a carpenter and God


When the Son of God, while he was living in Nazareth, took carpentry (as revealed by this Sunday's gospel, see Mk 6: 3), he paid tribute to the workers of all professions. From now on, even the smallest work, if done to worship God, is one of the most valuable activities in his eyes. The more intent of the person's work is intentional, the greater is his spiritual maturity. God loves him when his beloved creation is a human being – above all, no matter what you are going to do before acting, he tells him: "I dedicate everything to your highest honor!" God rejoices from him, for he breathes a little prayer (thanks to grace), by the will of his free will, moving away from the attraction of all earthly evils, testifies to the absence of He is an incredible animal, completely subordinate to the universal functioning of the forces of nature, but his vocation exceeds all others. For the Trinity, the path of his life would become a part of his life, and he would be like the others not only to the angels but to himself.

Although the Gospel mentioned above does not directly address prayer, but the observation that Jesus was a carpenter (see Mk 6: 3) immediately reminds us of the undeniable fact: His prayer was inseparably bound in his life (see Luke 22:45) (see Jn 5:17). We are also called to watch, to pray (Luke 21:36) and to work not only to avoid temptations (see Luke 22:46), but also to fulfill our vocation and be worthy of the things that the Lord has prepared for us ( 1 Corinthians 2, 9). As the Word of God itself (Jn 1: 1) is preceded by the thought of the incarnation that becomes a sense of creativity, prayer leads to work because it sanctifies the worker not only in the protecting selfishness but also reinforcing one's self-esteem. his work without Jesus is futile, and with him is blessed (see Matthew 12: 30).

The misunderstanding consists in praising the wisdom of Jesus and admitting that his actions are supernatural (Mk 6: 2), and then, as he had suddenly escaped the memory syndrome, he remembers that he is simply a craftsman, a piece of furniture and others the manufacturer of household items and take offense against him (Mk 6, 3). After all, the long silent life of the Son of God in Nazareth was not just a period of preparation for public activity, but those missed years with the dear Holy Family resembled the immediate communion of the Lord and of Adam with Eve. I confessed the prophet's promise (see Mk 6: 4) and, in his regret, mentioned his other parents, who, as a prophet, would not recognize him and reject him. Unfortunately, many Jews, instead of rejoicing at the return of Jesus to their homeland, were envious of envy (the sound of His miraculous signs had reached the Nazarenes), crushed the mighty work of the Messiah with his modest life. and undifferentiated from other Nazarenes, spreading mistrust and even anger in his heart. Poison

Sometimes a reckless rebellion against the truth pushes man into the abyss of spiritual blindness … The humorous demons can counteract the rebel thinking that they will begin to to walk on the stroke of resistance. The Jews began to disagree when, when they saw the apparent miracles performed by Jesus, they admitted to receiving extraordinary wisdom (Mk 6: 2) and divine power, but because of their stereotyped spirit in their consciousness, they flatly denied that. That's what Joseph and Mary all know. One of the forms of loss of common sense when seemingly consistent people say, "Jesus really healed, cast out demons, reduced the storm, raised a 12-year-old girl" and he soon said: "Oh, no, it's not possible. Nazareth "We know that the true inspiration of this inner confrontation is the devil of the seducer (April 20, 10).

Is there any power in the world capable of stopping the love of Jesus who submerges the hearts of people who accept his grace, as the pink morning rose stretches the petals and heals the first rays of the sun? When the hearts of many Israelites hangs in disbelief disbelief and can no longer let the Jesus' light save them in themselves, only a few patients surround their grace, repel infectious disbelief and turn their prayerful eyes to the One who has turned evil into goodness … the illness has disappeared as it was!

In our consumer society, it is not easy to cultivate faith in Jesus … If we pray for the Bible, the chaotic noise of the world will not separate us from Christ, with whom our communication and our service ministry are the faith and trust.

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