M.Pompeo: The sanctions against North Korea will last until its complete denuclearization


Pompeo arrived in Tokyo after the Beijing talks announced that Washington would continue to apply sanctions against North Korea until it "fully verifies the final denuclearization".

In Tokyo, the US Secretary of State will inform his Japanese and South Korean counterparts what, in his words, was productive.

However, shortly after Pompeo de Pyongyang's departure, North Korea issued a vicious statement that rejected the "Washington gangster's demand for rapid nuclear disarmament."

million. Pompeo, head of Japanese and South Korean diplomacy, said that there was a "long debate" with North Korean officials on complete denuclearization.

"There will be a control related to the complete denuclearization, This was agreed by the President (Donald) of the United States and President Kim Jong Un," said Mr.Pompeo.

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