Macron to welcome British Prime Minister Friday in France


e. Macrones and Th. May meet on the Mediterranean coast in Bregenz, where the French president and his wife Brigitte are planning to spend their summer holidays.

Th. That her husband Philippe be released in France. The British Prime Minister is the first foreign leader to be invited to Fort Breganson, located on a small peninsula in the Mediterranean

The French Executive Bureau did not specify what will be discussed specifically at this meeting. before the Community Summit in October

Then it will have to be ratified and then forwarded to the European and British Parliaments, which will have to approve it – or not – until the end of the deadline of Brexit, that is to say. 29 March 2019.

Brexit's chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, was rejected by the Th. May consider leaving the border between Ireland and the British part of Northern Ireland open and to establish a double taxation system whereby each side of the Irish border would be subject to customs duties on behalf of the other party.

May in France after Jeremy Hunt, the new British Foreign Minister, met Tuesday Jean-Yves Le Drian, French diplomat in Paris

The Prime Minister sent several senior officials to Europe to get support for difficult negotiations on Brexit

French radio, Mr Hunt, said Tuesday that Brexit was "the thing we want the least" without an agreement with the EU. According to him, Th. Mai is the strategy chosen to pursue close relations with the Community.

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