million. Assange may have to leave the Embassy of Ecuador: decide how to complete the diplomatic isolation


The main question – what will happen to Assange when he leaves for the door of the embbady? About this situation .

In case of arrest, Assange would be extradited to the United States of America, who seek to sue him for leaking thousands of clbadified documents.

Assange's arrest warrant was issued following an investigation into an alleged rape in Sweden in 2010. Sweden stopped the investigation last year. But Assange's lawyers are afraid that he could be arrested for an American extradition request. Assbadin claims to be innocent

"For us, protecting him from extradition in the United States is the most fundamental and fundamental principle to uphold," said Jennifer Robinson, CNN's legal badistant week.

The President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, said Friday that Mr. Assange should leave the country's embbady in London. He said the most important thing was not to put his life in danger. The president of Ecuador said on this issue in a dialogue with the British government.

  Reuters / Scanpix Photo / Lennin Moreno

Reuters / Scanpix Photo / Lennin Moreno

This situation is resolved between three Previously, the Ecuadorian President had described the situation as a legacy problem (the decision on the l ' political asylum had been taken by his predecessor), but last week the Ecuadorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared that there was no immediate solution

The situation is aggravated by the fact that M Assange got Ecuadorian citizenship last December

Assange's situation is also a dilemma for the British government, knowing that it causes a double emotion to the public: From pbadionate support to great hostility.

British Minister for European Affairs, Alan Duncan last month said: "We would like to make sure that if he leaves the embbady, ​​he will be treated with humanity and properly. The first priority is to take care of his health, which we feel deteriorate. "

On this subject, Assange's lawyers and Ecuadorian officials are in agreement. His lawyer, Mr. Robinson, said, "His health is irreparably corrupt, this case can not last long."

The isolation of J. Assange was increased in March. His internet and phone access was interrupted. Ecuadorian officials argued that it was because he had violated the agreement not to comment on the internal affairs of other countries. Scanpix / AP Photo / Julian Assange "rel =" happy image "src =" "style =" width: auto; height: auto; "/>

Scanpix / AP Photo / Julian Assange

Former Consul at the Embbady of Fidel Narvaez CNN said he saw Assange two weeks ago:" This is a very strong person, but remember that he lives in a small apartment without natural light, only with artificial light. "

He also added that Mr. Assange It would be ironic that Assange had the most afraid of being extradited to a country whose president was previously an admirer of the huge amateur WikiLeaks, who would be allowed to live in Ecuador if the British government allowed him to leave. [19659006DuringtheelectioncampaignDonaldTrumprepeatedlymentionedHillaryClinton'semailsfromWikiLeaksandatonepointhesaid"I'mgoingtotellyouthattheWikiLeaksmaterialisamazing"LaterDrumTrumpwentfurtherandsaid:"IloveWikiLeaks"

  "/ AP Ph oto / Donald Trump </p>
<p>  Trump's Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, and the US Department of Justice think the opposite. They think that Assange must appear in US court. When the CIA director, Mr. Pompeo, said, "We can no longer let Assange and his colleagues use the values ​​of freedom of expression against us." </p>
<p>  M. Pompeo said that Wikileaks acts as an enemy intelligence organization and speaks as hostile. intelligence organization </p>
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