No Ghetto Before the 2030s: How Denmark Will Get Rid of Emigrant Neighborhoods






In Denmark, children over one year of age living in immigrant areas, the majority of whom are deprived of their right to live. immigrants, and what the government calls ghettos, will soon learn Danish

Once these children are single, they will have to go to the kindergartens for at least 25 hours a week to teach languages ​​and cultures Danish, as well as Christian celebrations such as Christmas. Refusing to leave their children in these kindergartens risks losing their social benefits

The law adopted on May 28 is part of a larger government initiative "Vienna Denmark without parallel societies: no ghetto in the 2030s ". The plan seeks to eradicate what the Danish government calls "parallel societies" that have a high degree of crime and their populations are poorly educated immigrants who are not Western countries and are not properly integrated into Danish society. Immigrants, mainly Muslims, are drawn in very dark colors. Sara Nabadan, the daughter of a Lebanese refugee living in Denmark, said the New York Times said "Danish policy is mainly about Muslims, they want to make us more badimilated or dumped. They will treat them. "

In addition, the government plans not only lessons in integrating children, but also proposes to tighten benefits and destroy immigrant neighborhoods – ghettos. suggestions are that people in these districts are punished for double crimes such as vandalism or theft.

"The ghetto must disappear – we will control this process. In some problematic areas, we will be particularly punished for crimes, "said Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen at a meeting with other ministers.

Government policy directed against Muslims [19659006] The Danish government has gained more than a thousand inhabitants, if that corresponds to two of the three characteristics: half of the population is immigrants from non-western countries, 40% do not have employment or 2.7 % have committed criminal offenses.

Currently, 25 regions meet these conditions, almost all of which are greeted in abundance by immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries.

Of the approximately 60,000 people living in these areas, both thirds come from western countries and countries like Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan and Somalia

Since 2015, Denmark and other European countries have experienced a mbadive influx of migrants from Muslim countries of North Africa and the Middle East.

In May, the Danish Minister of Immigration, Inger Stojberg, declared that it was dangerous for Muslims to work in the country and that they might be subject to torture and ill-treatment. during their holy month – Ramadan. She claimed that Muslims should stay home when "to prevent negative consequences for Danish society."

A law pbaded later in Denmark the same month, which prohibits the public from wearing combinations covering all faces.

Birgitte Arent Eiriksson, the head of the Danish government, in which the ghetto can be eradicated, as a further example.

Birgitte Arent Eiriksson, the Danish chief Justitia's lawyer at the Brain Center says that more and more Danish politicians "believe that it is the Muslims who cause problems in the country, so if we control them and do not allow more Muslims, some of our problems will disappear. "

distinguish Muslim communities and claim simply to try to make the country safer. "It's nonsense, I do not care who lives in these places and what they believe in. These people must respect our values ​​to live well in Denmark," said the Danish Minister of Justice, Soren Pope Poulsen, last month.

But the prime minister said: "We must recognize our country, there are places where I do not recognize Denmark."

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No ghetto before the years 2030: how Denmark intends to get rid of the districts of emigration


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