North Korea softened: eliminates rocket test discharge


North Korea has begun to dissociate some of its sites from its main satellite launching station, considered as a landfill for intercontinental ballistic missile testing, is illustrated by an badysis by imaging experts recent satellite. North Korean leader Kim Jong Uno and US President Donald Trump have taken a step forward, but some experts have questioned the significance of this gesture.

After the summit, Trump said the North Korean nuclear threat essentially disappeared. However, in private conversations, the president, as reported by the US media, is angry at the lack of meaningful progress in the issue of denuclearization.

However, his public statements seem optimistic, and the 38 North's badysis is announced to the president.

38 North indicates that the photo shows that North Korea has begun to demolish the treatment facility and rocket engine test site on its Sohai space station.

Sohai's northwest is formally destined for satellites in orbit, but missile engines are easy to use for military purposes.

38 Northern Analyst, Joseph Bermudez, called the dismantling work "an important first step" towards Kim Jong Uni to ensure the promise that, as stated D. Trump at its meeting in June, Meeting in Singapore

Sohse would have played an important role in the development of technology for the North Korean ICBM Program, which is why these efforts are "an important way to promote the confidence, "said Bermudez

. The main North Korean missile launch site of Sahai dates from 2012

However, some experts have warned against the "38 North". Melissa Hanham, of the non-governmental organization James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, said in a Monterrey-based non-governmental organization that the dismantling of the engine test site is a "good step," but that It means "the minimum" for what can be done.

"If they do not dismantle the whole (space shuttle), they will remain the main place of North Korean space launch," writes Mr. Hanham on the social network

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