Returned to Lithuania only after death: what do we know about Mykolas Birziškis, a signatory?


Mykolas Biržiškis' work for Lithuania was not limited to 1918. February 16 The signing of the Law on the Independence of Lithuania. It can be argued that devotion to the fatherland was programmed in his blood and manifested itself clearly from the beginning. When he was a gymnasium, he visited the Palanga mansion (Šilalė district) with his grandfather Leonardas Biržiškis in 1831. a participant in the rebellion against the tsarist government. Leonardas Biržiškis asked the anoks in Polish: " And what about Samanite or taught ?" A gymnast, who had already been a friend of his friends to speak in Lithuanian, responded positively to the unexpected question. " See, do not forget !", – old Biržiškė expressed his satisfaction with the answer.

Grandpa's grandmother filled the grandson with the help of the student. Mykolas, the eldest of three brothers, grew up in the family of Dr. Antanas Biržiškė of Viekšnių and the gentlemen of Panevėžys Elžbieta district Rodzevičiūtė. The Biržiškė tribe once deeply penetrated the roots of Samogitia – in historical sources, the surname dates back to the 17th century. the beginning. The nobles who reigned over the area of ​​Birzulaukis lived in the ordinary life of the small landowners: service in the army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, litigation, enrichment and debt, which ended up losing their patriotic domination.

<a href = " pix / mykolas-birziska-center-with-brothers-winner-is-kaires-and-vaclovu-78537185.jpg" clbad = "fancybox article-body-image-link "title =" Back in Lithuania only after death: what do we know about Mikhail Birziskas's signature? "data-caption =" © wikipedia
 Returned to Lithuania only after death: what do we know about the signatory Mykolas Birziškys?

© wikipedia

History repeats itself. XVIIIth century The ancestors of Biržiškė lived in long legal disputes on the ground, had their shoulders drawn with the influential pilgrims of Pilsudyskeys. After more than a hundred and a hundred years, the paths of both parents – Mykolas Biržiškis and Juzefas Pilsudskis – were restored as part of the resolution of cross-border relations between Lithuania and Poland and by signing the infamous 1920s. Suwalki Treaty

The Biržiškė family interacted in Polish. In childhood and adolescence, young Michael himself did not seriously raise the question of what was, and in 1897, the Poles wrote a census of the population, convinced that local authorities consider all Lithuanians to be Russians. However, the next 1918 The signatory of the act of independence particularly liked the Polish books that described the antiquities of Lithuania. Entered the gymnasium of Šiauliai, Mr Biržiškė found himself under the influence of the familiar Lithuanians, who helped escape from glowing Lithuania in the depths of the soul

M. Biržiška, entered into Lithuanian society, had already clearly perceived his identity: " Lithuanian ." This is not even touched by Tartar's blood mother, Elizabeth, linked to an eminent fighter at the head of the Independence of the Republic of the Two Nations, Tadu Kosciuska. Speaking for Antanas Biržiškė and moving to Viekšniai, she said that she would teach Polish to speak to all the people of this corner of Samogitian. Not only friends, but also famous teachers like linguist Jonas Jablonskis, who supported the gym's desire to explore the history of literature, decided to decide for themselves.

<a href = "" clbad = "fancybox article-body-image-link" title = "He returned to Lithuania only after death: what do we know about Mykolas Birziškis, a signatory? "data-caption =" © LCVA, Ex. No. P-20969
 Returned to Lithuania only after his death: what do we know about Mykolas Biržiškys, a signatory?

© LCVA, Eksp. no P-20969

M. Birzaitis was an irreplaceable summation in the Lithuanian state. With other Lithuanian intellectuals, he began organizing the Vilnius conference. The resolutions published at that time ended up becoming a deliberate work of the Lithuanian Council and in 1918 the declaration of February 16, decorated with the signature of the descendants of the old Samogitian family. Mr Biržiška, the most influential tension, reveals that " It seemed that the Lithuanians would lose cast part.In independent Lithuania, Mr Birzyskaya became a very important pillar of the education system, having organized courses of 39, higher education in Vilnius, who provided support to the University of Lithuania (later Vytautas Magnus University), especially its humanities faculty, qualitative leap in addition to a job. Proficient scientist, Mr. Biržiška led a major public organization for a decade for " Vilnius lead to the Union" . [1965] [ahref="https://g1dcdnlt/images/pix/Siauliu-gimnasium-xx-a-pr-78537221jpg"clbad="fancyboxarticle-body-image-link"title="SeulementaprèslamortestvenuenLituanie:quesavons-nousdeMykolasBiržiškysunsignataire"Légendededonnées=Museum"©Šiauliai"Aušra"Partn°Samik-F3187
? ">
 Returned to Lithuania only after death: what do we know about the signatory Mykolas Birziškys?

© Šiauliai "Aušros" muziejus, eksp. No ŠAM IK-F 3187

He suffered from a bitter disagreement with Poland and believed that one day Lithuanians and Poles would go through their arrogance, their unrealized ambitions and peace. After the loss of Vilnius by Lithuania, Michael did not join the first track that led him to Kaunas – he continued social work started in the historic capital of Lithuania, but he was arrested and sentenced to Kaunas in Lithuania. " Devotee of Vilnius, I feel all the connections of feeling and spirit that bind me to our capital, and the more it is not mood, the more it is painful, the nostalgia Deaf draws me there . " – M Birziska

Where is this attachment? Who helped a young unstable person to form a strong identity? The answer is clear: historical memory, its diffusion in literature, its strong sense of socialism and its collective responsibility.

Popular songs on the gen. Then a piece of Kosciuszko and a rebellion in 1794:

Waking up in the middle of the night,

Waking up in the middle of the night,

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Helping, helping, Pon Kasciuska,

Helping, helping, Pon Kasciuska

Maslow Valits

As Masked Sublimation,

as Male Sublimation,

Kaposti Austria.

Rubavosma russia, Prussian,

Russian rububosma, Prussia,

Oyster herd

Important dates in the life of Mikhail Birzisky:

Born in 1882 Aug. 24 Viekšniai, Mažeikiai County

1895 began studying at the gymnasium of Šiauliai, during six years he completed the course of eight clbades

1901 He entered the Faculty of Law of the Moscow University

1902 for his participation in "revolutionary" activities, he was arrested and detained for several months in Moscow Butyrkah and in the prisons of Lithuania; removed from the university

1905 Participated in the Grand Sejm of Vilnius

1908 joins the Lithuanian Science Society and becomes its vice-president; was active in the press, belonged to the social-democratic endurance

1917 was one of the organizers of the Vilnius Conference

was elected to the Lithuanian Council by a vote; strongly pleaded for the total independence of Lithuania by abandoning any binding link with a neighboring state

1918 16 February signed the Law on the Independence of Lithuania [19659002] 1915-1922 . He directed the Lithuanian Lithuanian Gymnasium, organized the Lithuanian intelligentsia, worked on social work, tried to create constructive relations between Lithuanians and Poles.

1922-1939 Professor at the University of Lithuania (Vytautas Magnus)
Rector and Vice-Rector. He directed "to guide Vilnius to the Union", wrote selections of Lithuanian clbadics, published a scientific study "From our history of culture and literature". His books were used in schools as textbooks.

1939 returned to Vilnius, taught at the University of Vilnius; was soon appointed his rector

1944 Party to Germany, from where, after a few years, he left for the United States

Died in 1962 August 24 Los Angeles, United States

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