A source from the regional department of the Ministry of Culture, who asked to keep anonymous, told AFP that the building was closed due to its poor condition and "danger to visitors . "
The director of the museum is skeptical
The former army officer N.Arakcheyev worked for several years in the local unit of the non-governmental organization "Memorial" specialized in the fields of human rights and repressions of the Soviet era.
According to N.Arakcheyev, his actions were angered by the local government. "They want to destroy the museum, which is the source of historical truth and freedom," he said. he said.
This month, Yuri Dmitriyev – we know I am a Russian historian, who also explored the mbad graves of the time of Stalin, had been accused of badual abuse, although earlier the court I had acquitted him. He is currently under threat of imprisonment for up to 20 years.
In June, another Russian investigator said that he had learned that Moscow had ordered the destruction of certain documents of detention centers, including those relating to the GULAG system. During the presidency of a former KGB agent, Vladimir Putin made efforts to undermine Soviet repression, including detention in so-called labor camps, where millions of Soviet citizens, including political dissidents , were expelled. 19659011] (function () {
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