Russia proposes to keep Iranian forces in Syria out of the Golan Highlands – overseas



2018 July 24 7:20 pm


Russia has offered Iranian forces stay away from the border with the Israeli highlands of the Golan, but Israel wants Tehran to withdraw completely from Syria, an Israeli official said. Negotiations with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday said the proposal would not be enough for Israel.

"We will not accept the Iranian military presence in Syria near the border or 100 kilometers" We said that there are also long-range weapons that exceed this distance and that all forces have to leave Syria, "he said." We said that there were also long-range weapons that exceed this distance. "19659005] Monday's meeting was organized by the Syrian government sponsored by Moscow As a result of the attack, hundreds of thousands of people fled the south of the country and Israel allowed more than 400 survivors and their families to leave their territory on Sunday, thanks to two bombing campaigns and mediation from Russia, where these people will be sent to the West.

B. Netanyahu promised not to allow an undisputed Israeli opponent to establish Iran in Syria.Israel and Russia support the president of Bashar al-Assad in the confl it is Syria

Israel wants guarantees that Iranian forces and their allies, like the Lebanese Hezbollah, would not be sent even closer to the Golan Heights.

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