Shared American activity in North Korea


US Secretary of State Mike Pompey left Washington in Pyongyang on Thursday to hold a new round of talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Unu on the country's nuclear arsenal

. (9 am Lithuanian time) and must arrive on a Friday in the capital of North Korea, where Pompeo was the first night.

US President Donald Trump met Kim Jong Un at his June meeting in Singapore. The White House lord is now optimistic that he will succeed in achieving peace on the Korean peninsula, and praise the threat of nuclear war.

However, the statement signed by the two leaders contains only abstract obligations and Mr. Pompeo was charged with that would mean that Kim Jong Unah should detail the scope of his weapons program and enrichment and agree on a timetable for their dismantling and transfer to international observers.

Washington expects the "complete denuclearization" of the Korean Peninsula Denuclearization could begin during the year, but many experts recommend not to emphasize the promises of Kim Jong-Un and warn that the process could take several years.

Meanwhile, Pompeo and Trump did not deny international economic sanctions. and private

After talks on Friday evening and Saturday in Pyongyang, Pompeo will travel to Tokyo, where he will inform his colleagues in Japan and South Korea on the progress of the dialogue.

On his diplomatic journey, Mr. Pompeo He will then go to Vietnam and will then go to the United Arab Emirates in Abu Dhabi

. Next week, he will arrive in Brussels, where he will briefly attend a two-day summit with Mr D. and discuss energy policy with European officials. The BNS information of the agency can not be reproduced on mbad media or on Internet sites without the written consent of BNS UAB.

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