Sri Lanka will be a drug trafficker


"From now on, we will smoke drug traffickers," government spokesman Rajitha Senaratne said on Wednesday. According to him, President Maithripala Sirisena will sign orders for the execution of re-imprisoned criminals.

The death penalty has not been applied in Sri Lanka since 1976, it is replaced by life imprisonment

The spokesman mentioned Amnesty International called on the Sri Lankan authorities to abandon the death sentence.

Sri Lanka takes the example of a rigorous fight against drugs in the Philippines.

Amnesty International has called on the Sri Lankan authorities to abandon the death penalty. They are supposed to adhere to the "sustainable" practice and abandon this "cruel and irreversible punishment".

According to its own data, Philippine police have killed 4,200 alleged offenders since the beginning of President Rodriguez Dutert's life in 2016. The human rights group estimates that this number can be tripled. The European Commission has criticized the actions of the Philippine government.

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