Th.May defends his Brexit plan despite resignations at the Cabinet of Ministers


Speaking in the House of Commons, Th.May said that his program, which will ensure the free movement of goods, but not services, is the only Brexit "fair" because it will prevent border checks between the United States and the United States. Ireland and Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland belongs to the United Kingdom

MPs shouted disobedience when Th.May paid tribute to two retired members of his government who did not support his project: the secretary of State of Foreign Affairs Boris Johnson and Secretary of State David Davis. What we propose is a challenge for the EU. They will have to think again, examine the positions they have adhered to so far and agree on a new equitable balance of rights and responsibilities, "said Th.May

Th.May: offline retired ministers Brexit plane [LePremierministrebritanniqueTheresaMayadéclarélundiqu'elleavaitquittésonpostedechefdeladiplomatieetduBrexitmaisqu'ellen'étaitpasd'accordsurlameilleurefaçondenégocieravecl'EuropeanUnion(Aprèsleretraitde2016del'EU)"adéclaréThMayauParlementaprèssondépartdusecrétaireduBrexitDavidDavisetduchefdeladiplomatieBorisJohnson[19659004] (function () {
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