The Brexit campaign is a fine for violating the electoral law


The campaign of the UK National Electoral Commission for the abandonment of the EU ("Vote Leave") has been accused of violation of the electoral law.

For the Brexit agitator group, 61,000 were allocated. Penalty due to lack of clarity in campaign cost statements.

The Electoral Commission's research team found that Vote Leave had collaborated illegally with the other Brexit BeLeave organization and another 500,000 people.

The BBC reported that the Euro-skeptical campaign presented "inaccurate and inaccurate cost claims," ​​according to the BBC's Nijings portal. Deceptive reports covered nearly 234 thousand. pounds, and nearly 13 thousand pounds. Pound Sterling Costs Invoices were not delivered at all.

BeLeave's founder, Darren Grimes, was also fined for exceeding his spending limit of more than $ 665,000 by his organization. pound sterling. The findings of the investigation were pbaded on to the police.

Refusing to cooperate

Electoral Commission spokeswoman Bibi Posner told the BBC that funding had been withdrawn from EU-backed groups after a thorough investigation into their claims. expenses during the Brexit campaign.

B According to Posner, the study showed that Vote Leave and BeLeave worked together, but did not declare cooperation and far exceeded the authorized spending limits.

"These are serious violations of the law and these laws were pbaded by parliament to ensure the transparency and fairness of election and referendum campaigns," said Posner.

The representative of the Electoral Commission also confirmed that Vote Leave opposed the investigation, refused to cooperate, refused to answer questions from the commission and "forced the use of force to require the submission of evidence relevant to the investigation.

"Vote Leave" was official for the UK to withdraw from the EU in 2016. agitavus group referendum. The campaign is denied and the findings of the electoral commission are called conspiracy theory.

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