The dissident widow will start a new life in Europe


<img src = "" width = "100%" alt = "Liu Xie's house arrest was applied from 2010 when her husband Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel Peace Prize "Title =" Liu Xia was badigned to her home in 2010 when her husband Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Liu Xi's house arrest was enforced from 2010 when her husband Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel Peace Prize. Reuters / Scanpix photo

The wife of Liu Xiao, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, left China and left for Berlin.

Liu Xi, who was not charged with anything, was actually placed under house arrest.

Liu Xi's brother, Liu Xui, wrote about him in a social network: "The boy left Beijing at noon to start a new life in Beijing, thank you to everyone who helped him and took care of them for a few years.I now hope that a sister's life will be calm and happy. "

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is now in Germany. Her government said in May that she would be happy to accept the widow of a dissident. Liu Xiaobo, a veteran of Tiananmen Square protests in 1989, was sentenced to 11 years in prison for "abusive activities," according to a statement from the Berlin press office, citing Liu Xia's allegation that he had lost all hope of leaving China. "He was the first to die of Nobel laureate Nobel laureate in Germany.

Liu Xiai was subjected to movement restrictions.In 1965, several Western diplomats tried to go to the home of Liu Xia in Beijing because she was worried about her sanity, but she did not get a visa.

Recently, Liu Xia, talking on the phone with a close friend of the writer Chinese dissident Liao Yiwu, said without hiding the emotion that they "should add the following line to the Constitution:" Liu Xiaobo's love is a serious crime – he is punished at the head of life. "

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